We’re looking at wonder and imagination today, through the plays of Herbert Siguenza (playwright, actor, and director; founding member of Culture Clash) that take us from Pablo Picasso in 1957 to a post-apocalyptic California, and the art (and green thumb) of Jon Lomberg (astronomical artist), who worked with Carl Sagan on the original Cosmos and has created a garden that can help us imagine our place in the universe. Both ask, as Herbert does in the persona of Picasso himself, “How can we make the world worthy of its children?”

We’re looking at wonder and imagination today, through the plays of Herbert Siguenza (playwright, actor, and director; founding member of Culture Clash) that take us from Pablo Picasso in 1957 to a post-apocalyptic California, and the art (and green thumb) of Jon Lomberg (astronomical artist), who worked with Carl Sagan on the original Cosmos and has created a garden that can help us imagine our place in the universe. Both ask, as Herbert does in the persona of Picasso himself, “How can we make the world worthy of its children?”


 The Galaxy Garden:


Herbert Siguenza’s Manifest Destinitis
Jon Lomberg’s Galaxy Garden
The Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination on Facebook and Twitter


Ben Carey, “Ghost Limb
Blue Dot Sessions, “Galaxy Shard” and “Thread of Clouds
Harry Fragson,“Derniere Chanson” (a song whose lyrics lent the title to Picasso’s Ma Jolie)
Jon Luc Hefferman, “A Storm at Eilean Mor
Souvenir Driver, “Our Galaxy Looks at Us
Trillion Catz, “Radio Svoboda


Boxing bell, by Benboncan
Boxing ring sounds, by Gee-Jay
Boxing, by alebrujo
Clip of El Henry, courtesy the La Jolla Playhouse

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