Over the past 30 years, I’ve had the chance to observe and learn from people who are highly effective at making disciples. I’ve also spent those years studying Jesus, the most effective disciple-maker of all time.

What are the secret traits these disciplers have that others lack? That’s the focus of a new series we’re doing here on the podcast.

In the coming months, I'll be talking with experienced disciple-makers about traits that often get overlooked when it comes to being effective at training the next generation.

Today I’m joined by John Snyder for a conversation around the first trait we will be spotlighting: the willingness to challenge others and risk the relationship. John has spent the past 20 years making disciples and he’s one of the most effective disciple-makers I know. So it’s a privilege to have him on the show and to get his thoughts on this topic.

In this episode:

• Studying Effective Disciple-Makers

• Trait #1: Risking the Relationship

• Challenging Sin in the Life of Others

• How Jesus Challenged People

• The 3 A's of Challenging

Resources Mentioned

• Video: The 3 A's of Challenging

Original Release Date: 6/15/2023

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