This question was posed in Church 'What Is Your Need?' I went home pondered, and pondered some more little knowing what to expect and like you, trusting and laying my petitions before the Lord. It does us good to ask God as it increases our awareness and dependency on Him. God already knows beforehand what you need. Its during those crucial times that He watches, take note and sees whether we over exaggerate or know the difference between a 'want or a need.' Want is a desire, something wished for. Need is a requirement something essential however you or I can overdo it by using God as our spiritual ATM, overlooking the condition of ones heart. So does God answer, does God supply? Yes, but the enemy can withhold the Blessing be it a Want or a Need. What Do You Need? Be sincere in your requests and most of All, Thank Him. James 4:3 says it all. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. Again let us pray against greed, over indulgence, hauty eyes and relying on Man. As always, thanks for reading, sharing. May today's inspiration uplift, encourage and empower you. May God's blessings be with you always. In His love and grace.


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