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Into The Depth Youth Ministry

162 episodes - English - Latest episode: 11 months ago -

Bible studies and testimony of Jesus Christ.

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Too many leaders wrongly disqualify servants

August 14, 2023 01:01 - 5 minutes - 1.34 MB

A few days been quietly pondering and having an anguish over different leaders telling me I’m not qualified to serve but not using legitimate biblical passages. Recalling the passages in James about not respecting persons, and 1 Samuel 16, 2 Corinthians 10, about we look at someone per the flesh but God looks at the heart, plus others.

How should we be voting?

November 08, 2022 00:19 - 21 minutes - 4.99 MB

For decades, much of the western Christianity, has been using very secular and fleshly bible interpretation techniques, instead the biblical way, by and through The Holy Spirit. In prayer, heard through The Word of God these words.

Whose wisdom are you seeking?

October 21, 2022 13:39 - 17 minutes - 3.99 MB

Bible studies and testimony of Jesus Christ.

Remove lamp-stand—possible causes

September 04, 2022 16:40 - 28 minutes - 6.54 MB

A continuation of the last lesson, only going through most of the same verses with a few examples of sins plaguing the American churches in our day.

Has God removed his lamp-stand and you do not know it?

August 27, 2022 14:49 - 40 minutes - 9.25 MB

Starting base is Revelation 2:5. It is the unction of The Holy Spirit who has given many this warning and especially for our day and it both grieves God and in knowing there are many “churches/ministries/people” running running around our nation acting under Matthew 12:43-45 and 1 Samuel 16:14 did.

Are you being like these 7?

August 02, 2022 09:53 - 10 minutes - 2.34 MB

Many times in The Word of God, the word, women/woman, is figurative and not just physical (literal). Figuratively women is representative of the bride of Christ Jesus. Note this passage is saying they want to be called by The Lord’s name, but continue living and doing what they always been doing.

Are you being like Martha or Mary?

July 30, 2022 15:08 - 3 minutes - 920 KB

Most all folks who attend churches each week, even on multiple days perhaps, across America are actually sinning against God because we’ve become too much like Martha and not enough like Mary, in our church service preparations, even our lame prayer times. Jesus calls us to spend more time being like Mary, which will lead to being obedient in the works during the Martha times.

Preachers never allowed to “Blow sunshine”

July 22, 2022 09:40 - 10 minutes - 2.42 MB

Recalling the worldly line “blowing smoke” or blowing sunshine up another’s _____” has been done by preachers to give soft words to church members to keep them seeking money, to tithe more and keep them happy and contented with this world and to keep them from growing in Jesus Christ

The blessings and treasures of darkness

November 27, 2021 17:32 - 51 minutes - 11.8 MB

Back in mid-2021, while studying Isaiah, arrived at chapter 45, verse 3, and prompted by The Holy Spirit to do this study and know him more. There are a number of passages was shown; however, the highlights are as follows: John 3:19-20, Daniel 2:22, Songs 2:14, 1 Kings 9-18, Matthew 14:23, Galatians 1:15-2:2, Matthew 4:16, Matthew 10:27 & Luke 12:3, Proverbs 2:4, Psalm 143:8. However the greatest blessing: Growing in the knowledge and intimacy of God In Christ Jesus by The Power of The Holy...

The two criminals

September 29, 2021 22:14 - 12 minutes - 2.9 MB

While in prayer one morning back on 9/10/21, heard this awesome lesson and reminder by The Holy Spirit.

Stop trusting in mankind?

September 22, 2021 09:57 - 14 minutes - 3.23 MB

While studying Jeremiah 17, was reminded by The Holy Spirit of this. Also see Psalm 145, Judges, and all 7 world kingdoms (Egypt - Antichrist’s soon coming kingdom.) and Romans 8:5.

Bringing people to church or To Jesus

June 05, 2021 17:00 - 21 minutes - 5 MB

Biblical warning from The Lord for us to repent quickly.

Is your church in a Rote, Rut or Rot?

March 15, 2021 07:23 - 15 minutes - 3.59 MB

Studying the Deuteronomy passages and prior men of God sermons we understand how The Lord used them to deliver his warning and judgement to bring us to repentance so we’re made right with him after we stray.

Examples of antichrist workings

March 04, 2021 10:35 - 22 minutes - 5.12 MB

Hearing recent media take on cdc announcement for covid vaccine recipients and led by The Spirit of Jesus to 1 John.

Are your thoughts truly on Jesus?

February 24, 2021 10:22 - 12 minutes - 2.9 MB

Enter most every church building in America and speak with the members and most will speak like they look forward to the 1,000 reign on this earth with Jesus, while few (if any desire the new Heaven and new earth. Because most have left their first love.

Contending for the faith

January 25, 2021 12:46 - 12 minutes - 2.97 MB

The Lord through his servant Jude, commands us all to be contending for the faith and realistically the only way this is done is, like Our Lord Jesus Christ did, is to go outside the traditional church buildings (the marketplace, work place, etc. with the preaching His message: repent and believe and sharing his testimony for each of us. There’s nothing in scripture which says invite someone to church, or we are protected by any human made building. Church members been asleep at the wheel, fo...

Ezekiel 8-What is God showing you?

December 28, 2020 11:23 - 22 minutes - 5.2 MB

As every prophet, obedient to The Lord Jesus, first learns to know and hear His voice by and through His Word and is revealed, a portion what The Lord is watching all humanity is doing, both good and evil and will, in His time, will speak to His chosen people what exactly to speak to the people under their watch. Chapter 8 is one such example. And as fellow believers in Christ Jesus, we should be sitting quietly before The Lord asking for internal cleansing and revealing what The Lord is seei...

Is this your life consistently?

September 03, 2020 21:57 - 17 minutes - 3.91 MB

As I was meditating this morning on Isaiah 33, he spoke the following to and is speaking to others through this. It was very encouraging but also highly convicting.

Deuteronomy 28 lesson

August 24, 2020 09:50 - 17 minutes - 3.9 MB

God is love however he will Never love sin and rebellion, especially in any part of his body. He will remove it always. Allow The Holy Spirit to use a Broken down, old, tired vessel such as me to expound his response to rebellion, which is sin.

Who am I Oh Lord God

August 04, 2020 09:02 - 19 minutes - 4.49 MB

Bible studies and testimony of Jesus Christ.

God’s refining Fire

August 03, 2020 08:57 - 16 minutes - 3.79 MB

God will always refine those who are his in his furnace to transform us in his son Jesus.

Go in and out of your pasture

July 29, 2020 09:30 - 29 minutes - 6.86 MB

Where is the pasture the Lord Jesus has placed you and are going in and going out in Jesus or just go in and become comfortable?

Psalm 143

July 28, 2020 11:47 - 23 minutes - 5.42 MB

Let’s take a walk through Psalm 143.

Some warnings from Covid-19

July 25, 2020 11:46 - 39 minutes - 8.99 MB

This post is more a discipleship teaching, possibly prophetic (though I make NO claim to this area as I make NO claim to have a gift of prophecy!!!) But rather, if we’re listening in prayer and not just running our mouth before The Lord God, we’ll learn who He is, and how he always warns us when we go astray, how he utilized different people and items to get our attention. There are several passages, all used in context, to speak what I confidently believe is wanting to communicate to us. ...

Psalm 5 Genuine Prayer

July 07, 2020 09:20 - 17 minutes - 4.08 MB

Awesome exposition of psalm 5 which heard from The Holy Spirit this morning.

Biblical vs Worldly Compassion

June 11, 2020 09:19 - 42 minutes - 9.65 MB

Beginning in Matthew 9, and moving through Spirit of God led passages revealing genuine compassion, we’ll learn which is from The Lord and what is from the god of this world to distract us from preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Lesson on 2 Chronicles 714

June 01, 2020 09:23 - 23 minutes - 5.33 MB

There’s been much Mis- teaching regarding this passage and prayer and by The Holy Spirit and diligent study heard The Lord provide clarity.

Jesus never spoke to tickle ears

May 29, 2020 09:02 - 14 minutes - 3.23 MB

First, please forgive for the soft tones and blank at the beginning, this was recorded while driving to my “tent making” work. I hope and pray no one is so lost and becoming apostate as to desire for just messages and sermons which tickle the flesh, but rather only those messages from Godly men who are growing in the wisdom and knowledge of Christ Jesus. Be encouraged and strengthened in your walk with Jesus through this testimony of Christ Jesus.

True righteousness & justice

May 28, 2020 09:17 - 31 minutes - 7.23 MB

Based on Ezekiel 18, however to practice justice, we must understand what righteousness is first.

Laying down our will

May 26, 2020 10:12 - 21 minutes - 5.01 MB

There are a couple items in the beginning which would be a reproving or rebuking for those in error, unrelated to the original lesson. Allow The Spirit of God to give you discernment and ears to hear what He is saying. This lesson is something which is no longer taught in main stream churches today; however, as The Lord expounded his word regarding this topic, it became clear. As Jesus laid down His will to The Father, we are supposed to do the very same thing with each new day. Other pas...

Biblical Memorial Day

May 25, 2020 11:59 - 20 minutes - 4.6 MB

Do not know when too many in America went astray and ceased worshipping the creator-God and turned to worshipping the creation, but every time we only desire to make memories of military personnel, and those who served just America before honoring, thanking God who created all of us, we are like those who actually worship those personnel. This is a form of idolatry, which is sin, rebellion, blasphemy before Almighty God. Let us worship and remember all that God through Jesus Christ did for us...

What (or rather Who) is Perfect?

May 01, 2020 19:01 - 16 minutes - 3.85 MB

So many today call different things perfect: a day, a date, a house, a car, a job, etc. however a legitimate study of the Bible, which is the way to know God and The Lord Jesus Christ will uncover Jesus is the only thing and only person who is perfect.

Our buildings vs God’s

April 28, 2020 09:14 - 38 minutes - 8.81 MB

Based on 1 chronicles 17:5-6 But many other passages. Following Jesus has never been about building a building but rather making disciples.

Fallacy of Work Education Pleasures Thrills

March 09, 2020 09:23 - 36 minutes - 8.36 MB

Ecclesiastes And the temptation of Satan to Eve In Genesis 3, and 1 John 2 and Matthew/Luke 4 all point to the fallacy of fleshly living vs living by The Spirit of Jesus Christ.

Guard your private time with The Lord God

February 26, 2020 10:55 - 19 minutes - 4.51 MB

Revelation 2 regarding the warning to the church Of Ephesus regarding their leaving their first love. It’s totally applicable to Ian today and very much occurring in record numbers.

Are you a hypocrite?

February 25, 2020 10:15 - 21 minutes - 4.89 MB

As Peter was being a hypocrite regarding the gentiles and Jewish people in the key Galatians passage, many today who profess to be Christians do the same thing by thinking we can live like the world and actually win the lost to Christ Jesus.

Who’s testimony you speaking? (Plus)

January 17, 2020 10:09 - 39 minutes - 8.96 MB

John 4 and 5 teach us who testimony verifies who Jesus Christ is and who does the speaking. It confirms he is God and was sent from God The Father. When we are born again, Saved, we are given a testimony of who Jesus is and how he has changed us and continue to change is every day. Jesus’ testimony of who we are in him verifies we are his.

Have you become like Ephesus?

January 13, 2020 10:16 - 9 minutes - 2.14 MB

God send Paul to Ephesians in Acts 19, called their elders to him in Acts 20, was told to send a entire letter to them, yet God later had to have John send a letter of warning to repent in Revelation 2. Have you left your first love yet still trying to do works for God

Voice of God vs. Religion

January 02, 2020 10:15 - 33 minutes - 7.57 MB

True followers of Jesus Christ actually will lose friends and not gain them, and primarily those who attend church services every week will be those who hate us. We see this with all the prophets of old, with all 11 disciples, with Paul and I, also, experienced this. We have many friends when we just attend church and be good little boys and girls, doing our religious works, but let us genuinely come to Jesus Christ and begin learning and listening for and to his voice and we will be ignored,...

Happy 2020 New Year

January 01, 2020 14:33 - 5 minutes - 1.27 MB

The more we grow in the grace and wisdom and knowledge of God through The Lord Jesus Christ, we learn to see what the true deceptions are on this Earth and why we’re told this Earth and all its stuff are passing away, and more awesome is we should be better learning to recognize Jesus’ voice and learn to fully obey him.

Today’s taskmasters a form of Satan’s angels

November 01, 2019 21:46 - 29 minutes - 6.82 MB

Approximately a week ago, The Lord began teaching me and showing me who Pharaoh in Exodus was, like a form of Satan and his angels and the lost who serving Satan. It’s confirmation that Pastor Carter Conlon of Times Square Church November newsletter was on this very topic. All praise and glory to The Lord Jesus Christ.

Are you a contentious bride?

October 14, 2019 01:14 - 23 minutes - 5.29 MB

Bible studies and testimony of Jesus Christ.

Are you leading God’s body right?

October 03, 2019 09:37 - 28 minutes - 6.52 MB

The letter of 1 Corinthians is a correcting letter to that body of Jesus Christ in Corinth and is still for us today. Chapter 12 is how God sets up his body and where he places us in every city, town, nation, etc. He is the only 1 who assigns gifts to us and it is up to his appointed leaders over each portion of his body in any specific location to welcome his newest member he places there and immediately seek God’s face (and voice) as to what gift or gifts they have and how he wants them t...

Biblical love per 1 Corinthians 13

September 19, 2019 20:49 - 19 minutes - 4.47 MB

Many People today have fallen prey to false bible teaching regarding to what 1 Corinthians 13 love actually means. They think it means to make claim any one can enter Heaven even though they still Practice sin in their life. They believe people do not have to believe and receive the work of Jesus Christ fulfilled on the cross, the grace and the resurrection.

Do you white wash attendees?

September 19, 2019 20:38 - 39 minutes - 8.99 MB

A message The Lord laid on my heart about a year ago, regarding the difference between religion vs true followers (believers in Jesus Christ.J There were religious leaders in place during Jesus 33 years, 3 of which was his direct ministry- on this Earth who God knew were only teaching people God is approved only with external features. This is totally false. They did the same thing regarding the temple building, even the tombs of the dead. Well, the same things are being taught and practic...

Worldly leaders change God_s talents and gifts

July 22, 2019 20:54 - 19 minutes - 4.37 MB

Starting in Genesis and Exodus, we notice how Pharaoh eventually changed the Israelites' talents from shepherds to brick makers in order to suit his needs. How many employers and unfortunately, church leaders, are doing this today?

All Debt is Bondage

July 22, 2019 20:47 - 48 minutes - 11.1 MB

There will be several scriptural references and definitions from Strong's; therefore, I ask you to listen closely in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. The use and teaching of debt, today, has become so twisted in many church organizations and this lesson, I hope and pray, will correct this demonic teaching so we all can live for the fulness of Jesus Christ.

True Tongues and Fake Tongues

July 22, 2019 20:36 - 24 minutes - 5.53 MB

This lesson, topic, has become extremely controversial today, in more so because sound preachers do not really desire to give complete bible teaching which only comes from sitting before The Lord God daily; rather desire to fill seats instead of making disciples of The Lord Jesus Christ. However, another reason for the differences of beliefs is because of the increase for demonic examples of it. In actually studying the word Tongue, came up with 50 times of Strong's G1100. G1100 means th...

The spirit of harlotry

July 22, 2019 20:28 - 16 minutes - 3.78 MB

A warning to many in this world today. We need to be careful how we live before The Lord God. In the old testament, there were many lessons against harlotry, which is how we go pursuing idols is the same as going to a street corner in some cities to do nothing but pick up a prostitute and by going after such idols, God says we both act like those whores and rather choose them instead of God, himself. Follow along as what I hope and prayer I was so led to both receive this warning, but also...

What is true prayer?

July 22, 2019 20:17 - 20 minutes - 4.78 MB

Prayer is the two way communication between God and the believer in Christ Jesus. However, the prayer of salvation prayer of the unbeliever will be heard AND listened to. The word prayer is mentioned 114 times in King James Version. Four different words in Strong's: H8605, G435, G1162, and G2171. The definition ranges from Intercession, supplications, to Worship, , A Petition to God. I received this lesson, both for myself, and for each of you to encourage, to teach, to remind and perh...