EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with the first-ever metaverse digital popstar, CC is Dreaming

Ever think about what the metaverse could bring for future talent, artists, and musicians? Meet Cynthia Cao. 

She’s the creator of CC is Dreaming, the first-ever NFT-based character on the metaverse. CC is Dreaming sings, dances, and performs, and was most recently brought to life via hologram at Art Basel in Miami. The crypto elements of “virtual idols” like CC mean that their music, expression, and look will all be on the blockchain. The artists behind these creations own full rights of their content, and therefore receive direct monetary support from fans. With the ultimate vision being to build an alternative entertainment industry, it’s easy to say this is only beginning.

Ready to have your mind blown? Listen now! 

Learn more about CC is Dreaming: https://www.yahoo.com/now/meet-vr-idols-responsible-changing-185548207.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGS4u7EoqENlFBu2r6mi8GjE-guBzEKul7YxqiUzFpcpUB1yFFT6fusoKngihmHrYL0N5j6CUWEMWdmwBQSmEZSbC163CMAnYzZjcJC2HxQkm-74NZoQ2qM8K-5UCR5sfGtjQCN2i_-KFUosanwHG-VYUkdkIiKrulA_N-HDJihZ

CC is Dreaming website: https://medium.com/@ccisdreaming

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realccisdreaming/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ccisdreaming




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