Welcome to part 1 of our 3 part series "Pursuit of Happiness" 

In this series we introduce a variety of ideas to encourage your path toward resiliency. Our series shares options of helping yourself in addition to seeking medical support when needed. The ‘holiday blues’ is not an officially recognized psychiatric condition. This does not mean that you should not talk to your physician about any concerning symptoms. 

In part 1 of this series we help you find the strength to bounce back emotionally and physically by exploring a new hobby. This episode begins with a conversation with our friend Tamja Gray-Moore, LCSW. 

Also joining us is Kareema Riddick about the benefits of her personal blended "Yes Darling Teas" delivered to your doorstep for every mood. 

Arts and Crafts with Ceresa Newsome, founder of "Endangered Stitches" on ways to soothe your mind and spirit.
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