Interruptions - the book - has launched and we are rolling out the Red Carpet!

Interruptions Red Carpe is a 3-part series where we meet some of characters from the book that shaped the lives of the Cooper family and were with them during this Interruption. In each episode, Coach Cathy and Rev. O dare to invite the stories from characters themselves. You will hear stories  that are tearful, heartfelt and often hilarious.

In part 2 of the series, we hear the response from The Daughter - Jackie - a millennial, Black woman and single mother shares her journey of losing her brother and her mother’s sudden brain aneurysm. Jackie shares the journey of grieving and healing when the
 bridge that kept them together is gone. The challenges of cultural and gender stigmas and how myths played a dominant hurdle in healing.

If you haven't read the book, purchase and come meet the real characters.