For many persons of faith it has been our cultural to turn to God and pray to ask for relief, direction, and/or healing when we experience a traumatic life event. We have exercised the same practices when we or a family member displays unrecognizable or misunderstood behaviors. For generations, rather than seek professional guidance, we excuse these behaviors and attempt to deal with them in our own households and communities. The remedy is often directed toward prayer, or even worse, not addressed at all. We know mental health can be difficult to recognize and deal with, but as a result of COVID 19, exposing racism in the healthcare for communities of color, Mental Health can no longer be swept under the rug.

The Black church has had their virtual doors open, but soon the opening of their physical doors are to follow. The members of the

returning congregation may look the same on the outside, but internally, it has changed many of them. Are these Pastors ready for

the host of mental health issues that has been plaguing their membership and how are Pastors going to address this new pandemic?