There are no accidents...
You have to go through it to get to it.
Stop looking out the window at your challenges and start looking in the mirror. Leave drama for the dramatic, share your victories to inspire others. Vulnerability and Transparency is when you will stand in your power. Acceptance, Being Passive, and Having a Soft Heart Does NOT mean you have to be a doormat.
We've trained people how to behave in our presence.
You want to complain?
1. The problem will stay with you
2. You will attract other complainers.
If you are challenged in a specific space in life, reach out to someone that can help you...we all can use a little help and there are special people willing to do so.
You don't have to DO more to experience more...Minimize to Maximize...Less is MORE.
Acknowledge all that is showing up in your life for what it opportunity to grow
If you keep trying to be all things to all people you will end up being nothing to no one.Those people that don't support you? They are NOT your people.