Stacey Soleil and I were very excited to have welcomed this week’s Podcast guest, Aaron Brazell, author of The WordPress Bible (affiliate link). An accomplished blogger, speaker and consultant, we talked to Aaron about his experience in IT, social media and the history that has led to his writing an accomplished piece of work. Many […]

Stacey Soleil and I were very excited to have welcomed this week’s Podcast guest, Aaron Brazell, author of The WordPress Bible (affiliate link). An accomplished blogger, speaker and consultant, we talked to Aaron about his experience in IT, social media and the history that has led to his writing an accomplished piece of work.

Many of us use WordPress. It’s what we use here at [Ribeezie Media] to build our client websites. Why? Because it ranks extremely well in the search and there’s just about nothing you can’t do with wordpress. On the call we talked to Aaron about “open source” (what it means and it’s benefits to the end-user). We discussed the differences between and and moving content from one platform to another.

The book is for:

Theme designers,
Plugin developers,
Core developers,
and WordPress users alike

In it you’ll find tutorials, references, screenshots and walk-thru’s on just about everything WordPress; from the basics (such as installation and blogging 101 basics) to more advanced topics (such as plugins, themes and templates, custom fields and more).

Aaron and his publisher (Wiley), were gracious enough to send Stacey and I an advanced copy of his book and I can already tell you that we love it and will be recommending it as the WordPress “Go To” resource for new and advanced bloggers alike.

Listen to the Podcast:


Aaron Brazell is offering an upgrade-only maintenance plan our listeners. For those of you that have your own self-hosted wordpress blog, that means you get security updates any time new releases are issued (this includes plugin upgrades as well). The price for this is $100/month (includes up to 3 blogs).

For more, email: aaron (at)

Buy the Book:

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