Bird Woman, Sacajawea is magical realism, multi-episode audio drama series, set in the vast early untouched West. On our journey, Bird Woman, Sacajawea, a native American woman discovers her supernatural powers as, part Woman and part Eagle. Bird Woman fights alongside the Lewis & Clark Expeditioners while making heart-wrenching choices between the Native world and the expedition’s world. Upon the birth of her child “Pomp,” she discovers her transmigrating powers as Bird Woman, part woman, and part eagle. With her emerging powers, she finds her own lost tribe and leads the Lewis and Clark Expedition through terrifying starvation, freezing mountain ranges, and uncharted western territories to the Pacific Ocean.

In our audio drama, Sacajawea returns to tell her story. Captured and raised by the Mandan tribe, she discovers that Lewis and Clark are looking for a translator when the expedition winters at the Mandan Village in the Northwest. The Captains are shocked when the tribal elders persuade Lewis and Clark, that they must take pregnant Sacajawea and her scurrilous, French fur trader husband, Charbonneau on the journey. The Mandan chiefs clarify the expeditioners will need to trade with the Shoshoni for horses. They will not find a waterway across the Rocky Mountains. Lewis, Clark, and the Expeditioners are stunned that they must now take a young Indian woman and her baby on a military expedition. Sacajawea leaves her adopted home; convincing the Expedition, that she can find her Shoshoni Tribe.


Amerikids has the participation of well-respected Native American actors. Voicing Sacajawea is Sera-Lys Mc Arthur, a proud member of the Nakota/ Assiniboine Nation, Chief Cameahwait voiced by Daniel Two Feathers from the Lakota Sioux tribe and expert in the Lakota language as well as our narrator, actor Irma La Guerre, of the Aztec, Tarasco and Taino Tribes and director of the Children’s Cultural Center of Native America.

Our Editor and Sound Designer is Ben. G. Goss, Associate Editor is Elizabeth Diedrick

Our Musical Composers are Daniel Two Feathers and Jeffery Harrison

Captain William Clark is voiced by Simon Johns
Captain Lewis is voiced by Kenneth Bryant
York is voiced by Brian Hills
Tony award-winning Trazana Beverly voices The Hawk and The Eagle

Camille Rose is our Social Media Editor

Produced by Amerikids USA, Lynn Rogoff, is the Writer and Director. Lynn Rogoff, founded Amerikids, with groundbreaking film, TV, games, & theatre. Her multiple award-winning work, spans history, social causes, and culture in Audio Drama, Television, Games, and Theater. She works as a media writer, director, producer, and professor. She has her MFA in Theatre Directing, from NYU, TSOA.


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The IPM theme was composed by Benny James.
The IPM logo and art assets were created by Mathias Grelli.

The IPM Organizational Team include Cole Burkhardt, Tess Cocchio, and Therin Stapp.

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