A witch's beloved woodland creature familiars quest for revenge in an attempt to bring her back to life...

Content Warning

Arachnophobia, Eye Stuff (not gory or descriptive, but still there), a very high amount of cussing


GM & Editor: Tess | @rpg_casts


Therin | @explosiverunes
Cam | @midnightmusic13
Kyle | @Deckelodeon
Char | @charlenebayer
Christopher | @chrisdole86

Game System: The Witch is Dead by Grant Howitt

Find what stolen land you're living on: https://native-land.ca/


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The IPM theme was composed by Benny James.
The IPM logo and art assets were created by Mathias Grelli.

The IPM Organizational Team include Cole Burkhardt, Tess Cocchio, and Therin Stapp.

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