Meet Sofie (Denmark) and Bismark (Ghana)  They met each other in Ghana when Sofie did an exchange. Dating someone was the last thing she thought was going to happen. Even for Bismark, dating an exchange-student was out of the question until he saw Sofie for the first time. He somehow managed to wrap her into a conversation.   

In general, he put a lot of effort to show her that he is really interested in getting to know her better. Sofie on the other hand did not seem to have much interest in him, at least this is what Bismark thought.  One night they went out for dancing with a group of people and this is when Sofie suddenly grabed Bismark and kissed him.   

Unfortunately, they had to say goodbye a while after, since Sofie had to finish her program in another city. They agreed to see each other in Germany again, 4 weeks later. He couldn't wait that long. So 1 day before Sofie's program was about to finish, he decided to take a bus to see her - even though Bismark had to study for a very important exam coming soon. He got up early and drove 5 hours to the beach resort just to surprise Sofie and to spend 2 hours with her. This is how he convinced her and this is when their love story started. As promised, Bismark flew to Europe a couple of weeks later, he got to know Sofies' family and learned more about her life.   

Cultural difference is also a topic we are talking about with them. For Bismark it was a big step to meet Sofie's parents. "Normally you would work your way up and get to know the parents of your partner last, but not in our case". In October, they were reunited as Sofie flew back to Ghana. They are living together in their first flat as a trial to see how things work out.   For the future, both of them have big goals. Sofie will be a doctor, while Bismark is a doctor already, and they're both looking forward to start their life in Denmark. This requires a lot of effort, and it's also an investment, as getting the visa is quite expensive. But as many LD-couples they also have a plan B.  A bigger cause they're both working on is their "Mitral Foundation", an NGO that's focused on child health and community development in rural Ghana.  

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