Below is a recap of our 8th February 2023 Interledger Community Call with meeting minutes.

For those new to our community, ILF stands for Interledger Foundation. We are a community of technologists, digital creatives, researchers, entrepreneurs, and educators working to build new pathways to financial inclusion and equity through digital transactions.

00:00 == Welcome & Intro ==

00:25 == Community calls: ==
-- Chris is joining Vineel, facilitating community calls
-- Contact Vineel at interledger dot org or Chris at interledger dot org or via Slack with content/features you’d like to see.

02:10 == ILF update ==
-- ILF is independent and always has been.
-- Coil was built on an Interledger Protocol open standard which means as a community, we can build on it going forward.
-- Share ideas, thoughts, and feedback in the community space, where updates will be posted.
-- Town Hall event 9th Feb:

04:24 == Web Monetization standard ==
-- Intense work has happened on the stack.
-- The Google team is happy with the latest changes.
-- The specification is part of the standardization process at the W3C. Here's the preview of the recent changes:

06:45 == Fynbos ==
-- ILF and Fynbos are excited to finalize a deal to subsidize early scale-up and user adoption rates.
-- In the early stages, the Fynbos wallet will be free to sign up, withdraw and send payments.
-- Full compliance audits across all US states and sign-up emails are being sent to the waiting list.
-- Conversations happening with multiple jurisdictions with the UK and Europe as a priority.
-- Fynbos is already working on a web monetization feature through business account creation and has a flow of funds vetted already.
-- Watch out for the blog post with full details of the ILF & Fynbos partnership coming soon.

19:53 == Rafiki ==
-- Working on an interim alternate for Tigerbeetle as Tigerbeetle won’t be production ready for approx 6 months.
-- Capabilities are being added to Rafiki for accounting in the meantime.
-- Rafiki infrastructure and knowledge transfer are in the process of being transferred to ILF.

21: 38 == Testnet : Rafiki playground ==
-- It will be easier for people to develop with Rafiki and test integrations through a publicly available test network.
-- Open payment APIs allow developers to build applications on top of it.
-- Rafiki users can connect, peer, and send play money transactions to develop and integrate simultaneously.
-- Auto-peering will be available. If required, manual peering can be done while this is in development.
-- The User interface is being designed by Madalina.
-- MVP beta test net ready approx March
-- View the full presentation deck here:

44:50 == Grants ==
-- Grant opportunities coming out through the year
-- Grant CFP coming in a couple of weeks
-- More grants in ’23 than in ’22
-- Watch out for updates on the latest grants in the community space (