What a time for science! NASA's Perseverance rover has touched down, and Tom has finally managed to cobble together a franken-Switch! One of these is a massively expensive exercise in pushing the boundaries of what humans can achieve, and landing on Mars is also pretty neat!
This episode we're also tackling taking notes, reading new old comic books, and cheering on a rowing vet.

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Thanks as always to Tony Thaxton for our theme!

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01:10 Bored bored busy
04:00 Vet news
05:20 Cops turned DJs
11:50 Tom's website woes
17:20 Taking notes and figuring out what to do
37:00 Franken-Switch is the name of the monster
48:00 Scientists can do amazing things on Mars (but people still don't trust vaccines)
59:00 Invincible is as invincible does

Some things we talk about in this episode:
Vet to undertake epic 3,000-mile Atlantic row: https://www.vettimes.co.uk/news/vet-to-undertake-epic-3000-mile-atlantic-row/
Is This Beverly Hills Cop Playing Sublime's 'Santeria' to Avoid Being Live-Streamed https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvxb94/is-this-beverly-hills-cop-playing-sublimes-santeria-to-avoid-being-livestreamed
Tom Hitchins Online: https://thitchins.com/
How The Internet Makes Our Minds Shallow: https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/shallows-nicholas-carr-interview/
Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover: https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020/
Invincible: https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Invincible-Compendium-1-Robert-Kirkman/dp/1607064111