Aaron tells Shea and Jenn about the wonders of Radon treatment, then quizzes them on what they learned for the patrons.

Welcome to Interesting If True, the podcast that helps you cook your beans by wading into “healing” waters.

I’m your host this week, Aaron, and with me is Shea, and she’s back! It’s Jenn:

I’m Shea, and he forgot to fill this out!

I’m Jenn, and so did she…

This Week’s Beer

Atomic Pumpkin, from New Belgium

Aaron: 6
Jenn: 8
Shea: 8

Round Table

The Round Table begins a little more trianglish… because Jenn is here! Woo!

Obligatory episode 69 joke.

Make sure you leave us a review wherever your pods cast, they’re good for the show and it’s a great way to let us know how much better this show is with our lady voice!

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And if you’re not a patron, I’d just like to take this opportunity to remind you that you’ll get a unique story each week that is usually the same length or longer than the public story… and this week it’s a super awesome quiz! Does Jenn retain her quiz throne or will we crown a new, furrier, queen Yeti! Find out at patreon.com/IIT

Widows Peaks…

No, not your hair, peaks, like mountains.

Covid is a problem. But, you know, not that much of a problem. Seriously, like 99.9% of people survive it. The real problem is the vaccine. It’s thousands of times safer, which means it’s actually more dangerous. So dangerous that we all need to stock up on fish tank cleaners and horse dewormers. Also dog dewormer too, because if you take treatments for 8 legs, but only have two, that’s four times the health—which is way more health than Bill Gates’ 5G towers can beat!

But what if the lizard, communist, socialist, Marxist, Illuminati, infect you with weaponized stupidity… er… I mean, the “flu”?

Well… Radiation, of course.

Everyone knows that liberals are terrified of things that good, red-blooded, Americans love. Like apple pie, freedom, and dying of aggressive, self-inflicted, lung cancer.

To that end, traditional cures for other terrible suffering, like life, have become popular among the dying-of-covid-but-still-don’t-think-it’s-real crowd.

Specifically: radon exposure.

Yes, those words in that order.


Radon Therapy is found to induce beneficial long term effects for many who suffer conditions of chronic pain due to disease or injury. Additionally, this modality is effective for – but not limited to – the following conditions and symptoms:

As a brief in-quote aside, this is by no means an exhaustive list of things I found…

Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)
Diabetes Type I & II
Migraine Headaches
Arthritis (OA, RA, JRA, etc.)
Mobility… yep, radon will definitely cure your ability to move…
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Post Polio Syndrome (PPS)
Prostate (BPH)
Cancer (Breast) … glad they specified, because it sure as hell won’t help lung…
High Blood Pressure
Carpal Tunnel
Chronic Pain
Lupus (SLE)
Ulcerative Colitis

Which is, having done a number of these stories now, the kind of list one might expect from a miracle cure. I mean, if it doesn’t treat like a dozen things is it even a cure?

The Merry Widow Health Mine has a number of testimonials from people in what appears to be the mine’s offices being interviewed-ish by someone who works there. The videos are all a few minutes long, each with the best sound bite clipped out as text:

I had a cyst…and cancer in my bladder. My prostate would likely have to be removed. I came up here, and upon my return… The doctor could not find any sign of a cyst or cancer and my prostate was in wonderful shape.”

I’m not familiar with the guy or his health, and I’m glad he’s doing well, but as the video’s only comment points out:

Ever thought that perhaps you have cancer because you have been going to the mine for the past 20 years? Not that hard to correlate the two together you know….

~ maddog187killa

And of course, there are two comments asking him to educate himself with the material the mine offers.

Unfortunately, that isn’t much.

The mine in Montana doesn’t offer the high-falooten day-spa features of Europe’s swanky radon retreats. We’ll talk more about them in a bit but most radon “therapies” in the EU feature steam or hot bathes. Because, you know, radon likes to be dispersed in the air don’tcha know.

Lifestyle writer Martin J. Kingston visited the mine in 2005, what follows are from his account:

He was greeted by Elizabeth Kelly, who then worked the front desk if you will, who explained

The main reason people have so many health problems is due to environmental toxins, […] Some people have far more success with this than they do with pharmaceuticals. It’s such a different thing, but most people don’t know anything about rock medication

Backing up that bold claim is Kelly’s background in alternative medicine:

I studied naturopathic medicine in college and there was nothing in my studies that referred to radon as a therapy. It’s been interesting to see ionizing radiation used as a treatment.


Ionizing radiation, as a reminder, is radiation with sufficient energy to ionize atoms or molecules by ripping electrons from them. In the case of molecules of DNA, well, this is how you get super powers or cancer… may the odds ever be in your favor.

From there, Martin goes deep into the mine, where they keep their testimonials for some reason. Apparently, many are hand written, some typed, but all glowing in appreciation for the mine’s healing abilities.

From Martin’s article:

Lexi Bardin and her dog, Mitzi, soak up the invigorating air in a side room marked the “Doggie Den.” A single red bulb sets the mood, illuminating the chamber in a strange planetary light. The little dog shifts energetically on a bench peppered with paw prints. Bardin herself relaxes under the light as if soaking in a hot tub. But the air is anything but warm and Bardin sits wrapped in a light jacket.

“Yesterday my feet seemed to have been swelling,” Bardin said, turning away from the light. “I soaked them in that cold water for a while and came out feeling like a rose.”

But I’m sure getting off her swollen feet to soak them in cold water had nothing to do with the reduction of inflammation. Nope, that was totally thanks to the radiation.

Martin notes that Dwayne Kuntzen, the owner of the mine at the time, explains that “Low doses of radiation will stimulate your immune system. It does wonders.”

From Martin:

Another man from Manitoba added his own experience, writing, “My wife has not had any asthma problems since we left the mine. That’s wonderful news when you know she was using three medications four times a day and hasn’t used any since we left the mine.”

You’ll find no shortage of favorable testimonies from any mine or “spa” featuring radon. They love to let people make claims.

On the other hand, there are folks like Brian Marples, a professor of radiation oncology at the University of Rochester, who told Kaiser Health News that comparing radiation treatments to sitting in a radioactive-death mine like comparing “chalk and cheese.”

In clinical therapy, we know exactly what the dose is, we know exactly where it’s going.

He said, fundamentally summing up the problem. Because no one involved in selling you a radon day-pass is a freaking oncologist.

Fortunately for all, as Instagram now assures me — RIP my search bubble, radon therapy is available to all who want it… because groups like the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, for example, doesn’t have the authority to regulate or license it. #Freedoms!

For their part, department spokesperson Jon Eblet reminded everyone that radon exposure has well-known adverse health risks.

Meanwhile, back at the mine, day passes are going for $7 to $15 depending on what kind of access you want. After all, if you want the experience to live up to the sign “Fountain of Youth. FEEL YOUNG AGAIN!” you’re going to have to buy the all-access super-cancer pass.

The mine’s apparent current owner (based on attribution in a newer article2) Chang Kim, 69, told Kaiser, “the people coming to the mines, they’re not stupid. People’s lives are made better by them.”

I assume “them” is all the ionizing radiation…

This isn’t a localized event either. I mentioned European mines and radon spas in other areas. Unlike Montana’s old uranium mines, the Ukrainian and German options are more akin to hot springs. In Khmilnyk, a town in Ukraine, some 50,000 people from all over the former Soviet Union are treated in radon baths.

Again, testimonials:

I was paralyzed from the waist down. For five months, I didn’t get up off the bed. I could move my toes but I couldn’t stand up. Here in 10 days, they put me back on my feet.”

Victor Pedanuk, a 65-year-old economist who turned to radon after surviving a car accident, told the GlobalPost in 2016.

Aleksandr Fiks, assistant medical chief of JD Sanatorium — which is the name of the radon bathhouse, not a medical facility — said:

It’s been proven that radon causes blood vessels to expand. It decreases inflammation, and lowers pain; it is also anti-allergic. It also decreases the inflammation in the nerves, so we can also treat the nervous system.”

Dr. Ludmila Bevz, though I’m not sure a doctor of what is the medical director of nearby Radon Sanatorium (whose website is offline and little info is readily available for) told the same GlobalPost writer:

I have seen about three couples who had been treated for infertility for years, and after the radon baths they were able to have children.

There was no link to a study on that one though, which is odd because that feels like some Nobel-level winning right there.

Fiks says that the ideal radon bath is 15 to 35 minutes “because that’s what’s proven to be the optimal period.” duh.

But is that a lot? I mean, we were just talking about people in Montana sitting in a radon filled mine for up to 32 hours over the course of a week. How does that stack out?

Well, Fiks says the bathwater they offer is between 25 and 35 nanocuries per liter.

Fiks ends his pitch with “In the concentrations [sic] we have here, it’s proven in the clinical and human studies that it cannot cause cancer. It’s a low dose.”

So, “low dose radiation” is safe eh? Googling that phrase will certainly introduce you to a number of people willing to sell you any number of totally real, radiation-based, treatments.

It’s a veritable wonderland of cancer-causing quackery.

Meanwhile, Bill Field, a radon expert at the University of Iowa, reminds readers that no level of exposure is safe.

Within a couple of minutes, half the radon in the water will diffuse into the air,” Field says. “Once the gas diffuses out, it creates the decay products that cause the majority of the lung cancers. I wouldn’t want to be in a room where there are 25 to 35 nanocuries per liter of radon. Anyone getting into these baths surely increases the risks of developing lung cancer. I would urge someone to consider the traditional methods of treatment before radon baths.

A number of places, like the German spas Schlema and Sibyllenbad skip right to the vaporized radon portion of the exercise with radon steam baths. These come in the form of saunas and those yee-oldie metal steam chambers that seal at your neck. The heat and steam help increase the radon uptake.

Back in the U.S., the EPA says no amount of exposure is safe and attributes some 21,000 lung cancer deaths a year to it. Second only to cigarette smoking in terms of causing lung cancer.

The EPA also recommends that homeowners with radon levels of 4 — again, that’s four — picocuries per liter or more should get a radon-reduction system.

A picocurie is a trillionth of a curie, which was defined as the quantity or mass of radium emanation in equilibrium with one gram of radium, but is now defined with a confusing math thing. All of which is named, of course, for Marie Curie, who it killed, because radiation is rarely your friend.

The mines in Montana, on the other hand, range from around 1,700 picocuries at Free Enterprise Radon Health Mine, to the “special air” providing 3600 picocuries in the deeper, and I imagine more expensive, parts of the Widow mine.

So yeah, that’s many thousands of times the acceptable level of exposure. For hours and hours. Often with intensionally designed steam-powered cancer-assistive devices.

It’s not smart.

The WHO is particularly against radon exposure. Going so far as, since radon was classified as a human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 1988, to do a number of studies and meta-studies.

There have been dozens of longitudinal studies featuring mine workers that found, not surprisingly, that radon exposure increases cancer risks. Czech, French, and German studies follow. A full paragraph of citation’s worth in fact. One German study featured 590001 men who had been employed by the Wismut Company in Eastern Germany and found that in the first follow up with them, some 2388 had died of lung cancer.

In 2005/6, 13 European studies were pooled and analyzed. They also found radon was bad for you. Similar processes were followed in the North American pooling study—which included mine workers from Monata as well as Canada—and again in the Chinese pooling study.

From WHO’s analysis of the pooled studies:

The three pooling studies present a very similar picture of the risk of lung cancer from residential exposure to radon. There is overwhelming evidence that radon is acting as a cause of lung cancer in the general population at concentrations found in ordinary homes.

So yeah, this was about residential radon exposure and the result was a glaring “don’t do this” and the studies for miners were even more emphatic — so imagine how bad this must be for you when we get to “intensional” levels of radon exposure…

Low dose radiation therapy as a potential life saving treatment for COVID-19-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) – [scite report]

Martin’s Article https://helenair.com/lifestyles/merry-widow-health-mine-but-does-it-work/article_a53ae5c3–53e5–5879-bdfa-4efcd89e998d.html ↩︎
Covid Renews Interest in Radiation, but Docs Caution Against Pilgrimages to Radon-Filled Mines ↩︎

Mid-Show Bumper

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Welp, that’s BS.

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My story was about curing all manner of things—notably now, covid—with radon exposure. So, you know, stupid shit.

I thought about doing another similar thing here but… that was too much research. So, it’s quiz time!

This is going to be kind of trivia-esque, so we’ll see how it goes. The questions will be about “popular” covid curatives and the nonsense surrounding them. Basically, it’s a covid-19 quiz if the only resource anyone has is FOX News.

So, for example, if the people of Pompeii wanted to prevent infection, what would they have been glad to be living near?

The answer is, of course, Mount Vesuvius — and not just because you can’t get Covid-19 from drowning in volcanic ash. Last year when the Taal volcano in the Philipines erupted. According to memes spread about the event “God let the Taal Volcano eruption happen” to provide us with a natural cure for Covid.

Evidence for the claims that volcanic ash has “anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-yeast, and overall disinfectant” qualities that help the body: “

Disinfect the blood,
stimulate bile secretion,
aid the oxidation reactions in the body,
protect the protoplasm of cells, and,
for the synthesis of Collagen (one of the main proteins needed for the structural integrity of your skin). ” It’s also good as an exfoliating scrub. So that’s nice.

On the other hand, there’s this:

There is no evidence that volcanic ash can destroy the new coronavirus,” a representative for the WHO Philippines told AFP in a text message on March 7, 2020.

The purported anti-viral properties of volcanic ash has not been established. [It] is hazardous to health and may result in respiratory issues, eye problems and skin irritation.”

So probably not.

In July, Utah resident Gordon Pederson was wrongly indicted for simply trying to find the silver lining around Covid-19. Officially, he was arrested for “Posing as a medical doctor to sell a baseless treatment for coronavirus”, what was his cure?

Yep, fan-favorite Colloidal Silver, otherwise known as Smurf-X. The National Institutes of Health warns that “scientific evidence doesn’t support the use of colloidal silver dietary supplements for any disease or condition.” But that hasn’t stopped Papa-blue from selling it. The FDA is currently threatening legal action against purveyors of this nonsense, presumably starting with those who have followers less prone to violent outbursts than the likes of Jim Bakker and Alex Jones, both of whom hawk the nonsense cure for everything that ales you, including covid.

On July 26th, the FDA sent a nastygram to Oxford Medical Instruments USA Inc., not to be confused with any of the Oxford’s that actually know stuff.

Ox Medical, which I’ll call them going forward to avoid conflating them with smart people, has a fantastic new pipe that, apparently, can help with your lungs collapsing.

Panel, if you told them to put it in their pipe and smoke it… what would it be?

Yep, salt.

The pipe looks like just the bowl-end of Gandalf’s… if it was made of tan plastic and was full of rock salt and stupidity. The idea is that as you inhale moisture in the air absorbs “micron sized [sic] salt particles” which you then have, you know, in your lungs. The expectation is, from the site “The inhaled salt stimulates the natural cleaning mechanisms, which flush away any impurities from the surface of cells lining the lungs.”

Salt Pipe

Or, put another way, “BREATHING SALT THERAPY AND THE CORONAVIRUS”, from the FDA’s C&D.

So that’s super dumb. I did some Googling and found a few people trying to explain why this can cure everything ever and the most rational explanation I could find was from not-a-doctor using “Dr.” in his name who explained that the salt, once in the lungs, pulls moisture out of your alveoli, thereby reducing inflammation and making the environment less hospitable for microbes, virus’, and fungi… which sounds a lot like collapsing your lungs to pwn the libs, but whatever.

If you’re a true patriot but you’ve got the ’rona, you need a quick, ready-to-use, extract to help you through it. Panel, what are you spraying… on yourself… in yourself… instructions are unclear.

Yep, CBD. Because it’s fucking magic, haven’t you heard?

But unlike those other hippy, commie, CBD products, Patreon CBD guarantees “ZERO THC” so you don’t have to worry about catching socialism.

For Our Vets LLC dba Patriot Supreme_ — what a name — got a notice from the FDA in the fall of 2020 letting them know that saying things like:

It has been determined that CBD may be beneficial in curing inflammation of the lungs caused by covid-19 (CBD inflammation covid). In this article we shall discuss it in detail.


CBD is available without a prescription. It is already being used to treat serious medical problems … where pain and/or inflammation are a major factor. This is why CBD has piqued the interest of the medical world as a significant aid to reduce inflammation for the COVID-19 lung inflammation.

Under the, of course, all caps, header:


Of course, there’s no good science to support the idea that CBD helps with Covid… or anything without at least a spec of THC as the compounds work together if they’re to do anything at all.

A quick review of the site indicates they took down their Covid stuff but that’s ok because CBD will treat literally everything else apparently.

Or, as the website proclaims, again, caps theirs:


Of course, we wish injured veterans all the help they need (or want) and wish the VA was less of a shit show, but super-America-patriot-CBD probably isn’t the answer. Their hearts are in the right place though, so at least there’s that.

We all know that heavy metal is great, but heavy metal poisoning is a real pain in the ass. So what we need for Covid is a metal that’s in some kind of Goldilocks zone. Panel, which of the Metal Men has the best chance of saving you from the rona?

Yep, Copper… which isn’t actually on the Metal Men because it doesn’t do anything helpful at all.

This one is a twofer. In April and May of 2020, the FDA sent knock-it-off-you’re-wrong letters to StayWell Copper Products and Copper Touch, LLC, for claiming their copper coins could prevent or treat Covid-19.

Copper Stuff

CopperTouch, makers of what can only be described as a lazily etched copper quarter, claimed:

In a recent study by US health organizations, copper was shown to be more effective than any other surface tested at deactivating (killing) the HCoV-19 coronavirus.”

And if you’re wondering, no, there is no citation on that. But, that’s the evidence for the other claims the FDA didn’t appreciate, such as:

Because we do not have access to the actual HCoV-19 corona virus cells, based on the research reports and our knowledge of the manner in which copper kills germs (including bacteria and viruses), we do believe that CopperTouch will be effective in killing it. […] We believe there is adequate research to show that copper kills coronaviruses, including the most recent stories to hit the media which back up the kill of HCoV19 and also indicating that copper killed HCoV19 faster than it killed SARS.

So, that’s a twofer, twofer. It’ll save you from SARS too!

Meanwhile, StayWell Copper Products is producing tiny copper… things. From their site, it looks to be a 2×3’ bit of copper, perfectly sized to stick to the lower quarter of your iPhone 12. Their primary product is a bit of copper pipe about the size of a sharpie that you either wear as a pendant or use as a keychain and roll back and forth in your hands for a, as their site claims, “All Natural. Chemical Free” disinfectant.

Who knew copper was chemical-free, that’s amazing!

From the FDA’s quotes of their website:

On a webpage titled “CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK,” you state “Staywell Copper is a natural, germ-killing alternative to hand sanitizers, giving you a powerful layer of protection against germs such as Coronavirus, as well as MRSA, e. coli and many more. By rubbing your StayWell Copper regularly, you have the peace of mind that pure copper is killing 99.97% of germs on your hands. Touch is one of the main ways germs are transmitted, so keeping your hands germ-free with StayWell Copper rollers, tags and patches is a great way to prevent transmission of germs.” [from your website at www.staywellcopper.com]

Which… yeah copper has some anti-microbial properties but it’s not freaking hand sanitizer. Their claim that it kills MRSA seems to stem from 2004 and 2008 studies which found copper plates kill the MRSA bacteria… in about two hours of constant contact. So… not hand sanitizer.

Copper.org, whose bullshit website tries to initiate a print job as soon as the site loads, also hangs onto the MRSA thing with a vice-like grip. It goes on to mention hospitals should be using copper for frequently touched surfaces and claims the CDC estimates such uses could save 100,000 lives annually. I couldn’t find a source for that, and of course, one was not given.

So there ya go, copper coins, cards, and wristbands probably won’t, as StayWell claims, “Copper kills coronavirus!! StayWell Copper is dedicated to adding an extra layer of protection on all the things we touch most, like our cellphones! … #covid_19”

According to the Tenth Doctor, free radicals and tannins are ideal for “healing the synapses”. Unfortunately, none of these people are doctors, let alone THE Doctor.

In February of 2021, the FDA sent B4B Corp. maybe the longest of the letters I’ve seen so far. Which isn’t very cricket of them. Panel, what did B4B Corp. see on a BBC Doctor Who special and think “yeah, we can make that”?

Of course, tea. Because nothing says “no more Covid” like wet leaves.

@b4bcorpusa has since been suspending and their website is a blank page, so… down for now but probably coming back when the heat is off and the market is perfectly steeped.

From the FDA letter, Earth Tea, their product (as opposed to Earl and his mooooon tea):

Earth Tea works fast so it can eliminate quarantine time. With those simple steps we can move to end the Pandemic fast. While vaccines gets distributed we are clearing the sick and needy.” [from a December 18, 2020 post titled “Covid19 Pandemic Plan” on your website https://www.b4bcorp.com/covid19-pandemic-plan]

Clearing them off the table and into the morgue maybe.

The letter goes on to highlight a handful of blog posts and tweets with the usual claims:

We know Earth Tea LOVES your #lungs which is why its so powerfull against #COVID19 so as this volunteer makes progress we are planning to uplift Earth Tea to be #1 choice to get people off the #ventilator not only for covid19 but in general.

We would suggest to anyone out there facing #Covid19 issues. #TryEarthTea you do not have to be a #longhaulers Earth Tea can fight for you.”

Earth Tea the #1 #Covid19 fighter!!!!”

Covid19… Has met its match.. Earth Tea.. Our official formula now 100% guarantee to get rid of #Covid19.. If you would love to try Earth Tea for Free as prevention send us a text . . .”

And if you want context for any of those quotes… go fuck yourself.

Finally, my personal favorite caps theirs:


Earth Tea

I found Earth Tea on the FDA’s Flickr page, with an image of… honestly what looks like a bottle of fermented piss with a made-in-Word… and oddly damp for a promo shot… label. The FDA links to the letter in their description, but the real gem, is the single comment on the post:

B4B Earth Tea Sinclair

Earth Tea Extra Strength Clinical Trials has proven it to be effective Against Covid19. We hope the FDA will make corrections to their accusations.

This next treatment is all the buzz and my personal hell. They even have a paper… study… ok, blog post, from Science Direct… well… From biomedicine and pharmacotherapy, a Brazilian journal whose reviewer guideline PDF spends six pages talking about how you can enter erroneous data into the login, review, or upload fields and break everything. But don’t worry, they have an Impact Factor of 6.529… and an Article Publishing Fee of $2,660, so you know it’s… I’m going to go with quality.

What, panel, does their “AMAZING PROPOLIS” contain?

Yep, nondescript bee stuff. Is it honey? Is it crushed up bugs, you’ll never know!

From the FDA’s letter, they offer a number of fantastical claims:

Here’s an interesting article on the action of bee products in relationship to the actions of the covid-19 illness. It’s suggestive that taking bee products (like propolis) for prevention is a good idea. That’s what we are all doing! https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202004.0013/v1” [from a May 4, 2020, post on your social media website www.facebook.com/BEEpothecary]


The linked article is… well… it’s a lot of words that boil down to if you take this bee-stuff and also Azithromycin, you’ll be super ok. This is odd because Azithromycin is an antibiotic, but whatever, this show is about stupid stuff.

The “BEEpothecary” goes on to make a number of ridiculous claims, as usual, per the FDA:

Elderberry, honey an [sic] Propolis syrup ready for you to maintain a healthy immunity! Just a tablespoon sip… is all it takes…. BEEpothecary.us #coronavirus #antivirus”


Remember Folks, propolis is ANTIVIRAL. We are taking our dose EVERY DAY! BEEpothecary.US”

Obviously, none of this is true, but it didn’t stop them from making the claim. Their products are still for sale but lack any real description of what’s in them or what they do. In fact, their website is basically just some pictures and prices… but you can get everything you’d ever need from the butt of a bee, they’ve got propolis’ as mentioned, straight up honey, and of course limp balms, body soaps, Women’s skin care products, shaving cream, and of course, “BEE Elevated CBD” for you and fido.

Finally, we’ve heard a lot about letting the body’s own immune system do its thing. But what if we really need to, as podcasting piece of shit Joe Rogen says “throw the kitchen sink” at it. That stupid asshole took horse dewormer.

Yep, you guessed it, you need to boost your consumption of good, old-fashioned, free-range, GMO-free, stem cells.

Luckily, Lattice Biologies, Ltd., has you covered… ish, we’ll get there. The FDA told them off in August of 2020 and that was only the beginning. Per the FDA Lattice’s website featured gems like this:

A YouTube video, titled “Stem Cells For COVID-19 … Lattice Biologics CEO injects himself with 1 million stem cells to test safety and efficacy,” through which you market your amniotic fluid product.”

If you’re like me, you’ve got questions. Like, how do the cells know to fight Covid-19 and not turn into… say… inside-eyes or just straight up a tumor? What kind of a solution are they injecting you with? What about pot?

To the first concern, there are clinical trials… probably. As the company told Business Wire:

The Company … has decided to conduct the trial in Butte, Montana, and larger metropolitan areas as patients become available. The trial will not be conducted in hospitals, but rather in respiratory therapist offices …

So, I’m sure they got around to that at some point and all the results were just tippy-top.

But what about the solution? Well, good news, it’s “natural”… ly disgusting.

The YouTube video marketing your amniotic fluid product, in which you state that you “hop[e] that the stem cells can go in and repair [severe lung damage] … even if you are at the hospital … you have this lung damage this is a reasonable treatment to try and repair that …”

And you know this claim is real because the FDA had to fix their spelling sufficiently to convey the Cease order.

And yes, that’s amniotic fluid, as in stem cell juice, which they got from… somewhere, don’t think about it.

And finally, pot.

Yep, pot. But you, not for Covid or whatever, for getting them out of debtors’ prison. I guess the “maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t” stem cell game isn’t what it used to be because Lattice Biologis’ website is currently for sale by GoDaddy — and not even in the desirable “bid for it” way. Their Twitter feed was ablaze with the wonders of stem cells… until just after this letter from the FDA went out. Then it got real quiet.

In fact, the only post-FDA mention I could find was from Green Market Report, a pot-market watching website that in July reported on a press release from Lattice Biologics that says their American subsidiary was filing for Chapter 7 and the company, now I guess only really in Canada, was switching gears and moving into the exciting, fast-paced, world of “psychedelic and Cannabis life sciences.”

So there ya go, the people who figured it was a good idea to randomly inject the possibly radioactive people of Montana with random preggers-juice now want to feed you psychedelics.

What could go wrong?



I’m Aaron, and I’d like to thank all our listeners, supporters, and my co-hosts.

Find out more about the show, social links, and contact information at InterestingIfTrue.com.

Music for this episode was created by Wayne Jones and was used with permission.

The opinions, views, and nonsense expressed in this show are those of the hosts only and do not represent any other people, organizations, or lifeforms.
All rights reserved, Interesting If True 2020.

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/interestingif
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