Episode 236 of InterBrews and Episode 3 of the Covid Chronicles is a catch up with Jester King Brewery founder Jeffrey Stuffings. One advantage to not being able to sit down across the table at a brewery for an interview is that there really is no excuse not to catch up with my out of […]

The post InterBrews 236: Jester King’s Jeffrey Stuffings first appeared on InterBrews.

Episode 236 of InterBrews and Episode 3 of the Covid Chronicles is a catch up with Jester King Brewery founder Jeffrey Stuffings. One advantage to not being able to sit down across the table at a brewery for an interview is that there really is no excuse not to catch up with my out of Houston friends. Jeffrey gives us the latest on things at Jester King and his thoughts on how this whole thing will shake out, as well as tips on Nerf gun wars, why Jester King is the greatest thing since sliced bread and how you too can get a slice and so much more. Make a road trip to Austin for a much needed Hill country drive and pick up some Jester King beer to go. Order now 24/7 and check out their website and social accounts for the latest available to take home. Thanks for listening! This is InterBrews.

The post InterBrews 236: Jester King’s Jeffrey Stuffings first appeared on InterBrews.