Episode 182 of InterBrews was recorded at Blake’s Steaks in College Station, TX. Dean Brundage and Chef Blake Zeitman of Blake’s Steaks Sandwich Shop and Blackwater Draw Brewing founder and brewer Chris Weingart joined InterBrews host Josh Stewart along with Schomberg and TD Mike Herrera to discuss all things cheese steaks, beer, SUPER hot sauce, […]

The post InterBrews 182: Dean, Blake and Chris at Blake’s Steaks first appeared on InterBrews.

Episode 182 of InterBrews was recorded at Blake’s Steaks in College Station, TX. Dean Brundage and Chef Blake Zeitman of Blake’s Steaks Sandwich Shop and Blackwater Draw Brewing founder and brewer Chris Weingart joined InterBrews host Josh Stewart along with Schomberg and TD Mike Herrera to discuss all things cheese steaks, beer, SUPER hot sauce, life in College Station, Houston vs Austin vs DFW for beer selection and much, much more. Visit Blake’s any day of the week and Blackwater Draw Brewing on weekends and tell them InterBrews sent you. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we enjoyed making it. This is InterBrews.

The post InterBrews 182: Dean, Blake and Chris at Blake’s Steaks first appeared on InterBrews.