Episode 154 of InterBrews was recorded at Murdoch’s Backyard Pub with The Texas Brewers Guild Executive Director Charles Vallhonrat. He spoke with host Josh Stewart and TD Mike Herrera about the growth of Texas Craft Beer, the upcoming legislative session his home brewing glories and much more. This is InterBrews.

The post InterBrews 154: Charles Vallhonrat at Murdoch’s Backyard Pub first appeared on InterBrews.

Episode 154 of InterBrews was recorded at Murdoch’s Backyard Pub with The Texas Brewers Guild Executive Director Charles Vallhonrat. He spoke with host Josh Stewart and TD Mike Herrera about the growth of Texas Craft Beer, the upcoming legislative session his home brewing glories and much more. This is InterBrews.

The post InterBrews 154: Charles Vallhonrat at Murdoch’s Backyard Pub first appeared on InterBrews.