Episode 83 gives us a look back at the beginnings of Stew’d Productions as Texian Brewing’s Caleb Wilson does the ole Flip-A-Roo and interviews Josh Stewart on how InterBrews started and everything that lead to that. Also on the show were 2 new Texian beers – Travis: A delicious, well balanced amber lager and Texianer […]

The post InterBrews 083: Caleb Wilson Turns the Tables first appeared on InterBrews.

Episode 83 gives us a look back at the beginnings of Stew’d Productions as Texian Brewing’s Caleb Wilson does the ole Flip-A-Roo and interviews Josh Stewart on how InterBrews started and everything that lead to that. Also on the show were 2 new Texian beers – Travis: A delicious, well balanced amber lager and Texianer Weisse: Texian’s take on a thirst quinching Berlinner Weisse. Also in this episode is Brigadoon Brewery and Brew School’s Moment in Beer History. This on will have you grabbing for your floatys. Also the cutest promo in InterBrews history.

Brigadoon Brewery Moment in Beer History is Brought to you by Brigadoon Brewery and Brew School


The post InterBrews 083: Caleb Wilson Turns the Tables first appeared on InterBrews.