Greg Jackson is the founder and chief executive of Octopus Energy, one of the UK's fastest-growing energy companies. Before building Octopus, which is now valued at more than a billion pounds, Greg enjoyed a hugely successful career in the world of digital start-ups as both an investor and manager. He's also been a member of Greenpeace since the age of 16, and is well known for believing passionately in the benefits of a good work-life balance both for himself and his staff. 

Greg talks to Gabby about the current energy and cost-of-living crises, why he is investing in renewables, and how having the family home cut off as a youngster has inspired him in his working life. 

Subscribe to the show for free to make sure you don’t miss next week’s episode, featuring entrepreneur and former Dragon’s Den star Sarah Willingham. 

The ii Family Money Show is brought to you by interactive investor (ii). 

This episode was recorded in March 2022 and is also available as a vodcast on the interactive investor YouTube channel. 

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