As entrepreneurs, we often wear many hats and juggle roles we could delegate, inadvertently constraining our businesses' growth. To overcome this bottleneck, we must establish effective hiring and training strategies.  


By taking people along with us and entrusting tasks to individuals wholly dedicated to their roles, we can gradually build a business that isn't solely reliant on our own personality and identity. This shift in approach enables us to concentrate on what truly matters to foster growth and scalability while establishing a robust presence in the market, building our public relations, and expanding our reach.  


In this episode, Jeremy Ryan Slate offers invaluable insights into the art of embracing challenges, leveraging podcasting as an entrepreneur, making judicious hiring choices, and nurturing a team that can help you create a business that transcends you as an individual. 


Jeremy is the CEO and co-founder of Command Your Brand, a podcast public relations agency that harnesses the power of podcasting to help make industry leaders become legends. Jeremy has also hosted a podcast that has ranked in the Apple podcast's top 100, called Create Your Own Life, since 2015, which saw 10,000 downloads in its first month. Command Your Brand was launched in 2017, and today, it has a team of 17 and has booked nearly 5,000 podcasts for its clients. 


Tune in! 


Key Highlights From The Show 

[01:00] Intro and a quick bio of the guest, Jeremy  

[02:54] What Jeremy means by “Audacity has not been my enemy; it has formed me.”  

[06:06] How Jeremy thrives through suffering and finds positivity in it  

[07:24] Jeremy's career Journey and how he came up with ‘Command Your Brand’  

[09:14] How Jeremy became successful quickly and what has changed today 

[10:52] The benefits of being in podcasting as an entrepreneur  

[12:11] Why podcasting is becoming the best and most popular form of communication  

[14:25] Some of the lessons Jeremy has learned in his entrepreneurship journey  

[15:56] Getting better at hiring and training people to get out of the bottleneck  

[17:00] The intrapersonal skills to look for in people’s social media when hiring   

[18:30] How Jeremy realized he was becoming the bottleneck in his business 

[19:58] Taking people with you and building a company that is not tied to your personality  

[22:02] What inspired Jeremy to address his overwhelm to grow and scale his business 

[25:33] Establishing your company's PR and how to build your PR skills 

[28:28] Jeremy’s big dream for his company and what they are working on right now 

[31:48] One practical recommendation from Jeremy that you can start implementing today 

[32:42] How to reach out to Jeremy and get his book 

[32:59] Ending the show 


Notable Quotes 

·        The difficult things in your life make you who you are; if life was easy, you wouldn't have to be stronger, think faster, or have skills. 

·        Sometimes, as entrepreneurs, we insert ourselves in places we don’t need to be, and because of that, we keep our company and what we are doing small. 

·        Getting out of the bottleneck is all about hiring the right people and ensuring that training is there for them.  

·        If people are highly critical of others, they don't take responsibility for a lot of things in their personal lives; they blame a lot. 

·        You are so much better off having somebody who is even 90% as capable as you are in a position that gets 100% of their attention than giving 3.5% of your attention to 50 different things. 

·        The best place to have your message right now is on podcast, so always be building your PR strategy for your brand.


Connect With Jeremy Ryan Slate 






How much of the bottleneck in your business are you? Don’t underestimate the bottleneck’s impact. Take the Bottleneck Index and find out your bottleneck score now!