Salespeople are key to a business’s success, but many entrepreneurs make hiring mistakes. They select candidates based on how well they interview but often end up with people who just don't work out in the field. Hiring people who are passionate about your product and organization, who will stay with you over the long term, and who have a high level of technical expertise is essential. 

The key to picking a successful sales candidate is not just making sure that they interview well--it's personality traits. So, what personality traits are shared among the best performers? 

Join this entrepreneurship education podcast with Christopher Croner as we discuss how entrepreneurs can become perfect in hiring top-producing salespeople.

Christopher Croner, Ph.D., is a Principal with SalesDrive, a cutting-edge sales management consulting firm. He developed the SalesDrive assessment system, including the Drive Model of salesperson motivation. Using this system, he has helped numerous companies to hire and develop top-performing salespeople.

Key Highlights from The Show:

[00:01] Episode intro and a quick bio of the guest; Christopher Croner

[02:44] Chris’ backstory and how he got into the sales and marketing space

[04:49] What is selling, according to Christopher

[06:11] The most significant problem that salespeople have

[07:24] Bad patterns that companies make when recruiting salespeople

[11:28] An ideal client that Christopher works with

[12:40] How the process of working with a client looks like

[14:23] Meaning of “drive” and how it relates to salespeople

[17:20] How to instil and nurture the sales drive in your sales team

[23:22] What it means to be an entrepreneur to Chris

[25:00] Valuable lessons Chris has learned in the entrepreneurship journey

[29:16] How to avoid being in the trap of dishonest salespeople during the hiring 

[31:48] The last time Chris was a bottleneck in his business and what happened

[34:25] Chris’ tips for the success of an entrepreneur

[37:18] Best ways to reach out and connect with Christopher Croner

[37:50] Ending the show and call to action

Notable Quotes:

Anyone who communicates for a living is selling.  Whether a salesperson can sell is different from whether he will sell.  Recruiting people for your company is an art.  Your destiny is always in your hands. As an entrepreneur, never stop learning. Anyone who communicates for a living is selling. If you are communicating an idea and then having people accept it, that is also selling.

Get Christopher’s Book:

Never Hire a Bad Salesperson Again: Selecting Candidates Who Are Absolutely Driven to Succeed:

Connect With Christopher Croner:





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