In the business world, the pursuit of growth is constant and is fueled by the desire to become bigger, better, faster, and stronger. This relentless drive pushes entrepreneurs to challenge themselves continually.


Entrepreneurs should understand that personal development and nourishing their minds with success are crucial elements of this journey.


In addition, entrepreneurs are leaders, and true leaders know the importance of casting a compelling vision in inspiring others to join them on their entrepreneurial adventures.


In this episode, Mark Lachance discusses how you can create luck and capture great opportunities to ensure your businesses flourish and reach new heights. According to him, your company influences your success, and successful people surround themselves with a can-do mindset while avoiding limiting influences from media and negative people.


Mark Lachance is a serial entrepreneur, strategic thinker, and investor. Having owned and operated several businesses that have experienced hyper-growth through creative business development and lead generation, Mark is a master of sales and marketing and continues to apply and grow his expertise through current projects.


He is the CEO and lead investor of Maxy Media Inc., the number one advertiser for monthly spending on the TikTok platform in Canada and the top ten in North America.


In 2016, Mark successfully Sold EVO Payment International Canada after guiding the company from its inception with one employee to over 200 employees across Canada. 


Before founding EVO, Mark was one of the founding members and president of VersaPay Inc, a payments solutions provider, which became public in 2010.


Tune in!


Key Highlights From The Show:


[00:01] Intro and a quick bio of the guest, Mark Lachance

[02:37] About Mark's mastery in blitz scaling companies

[04:32] Mark’s drive, build big things or don't, and a story behind it

[06:00] Mark’s big dream and goals with Max Media Inc

[06:44] How Mark ended up as an entrepreneur and stepped up in the game

[08:03] What it means to Mark to be an entrepreneur

[08:43] The can't mentality and Mark's drive that keeps him in possibilities

[09:56] Mark’s recipe for success: Enhancing and building on your leadership skills

[13:24] How to create and will luck and keep capturing great opportunities

[19:04] The entrepreneurship dilemma and how Mark overcomes this bottleneck

[24:29] The biggest challenge Mark has faced in his journey 

[27:13] What Mark has learned about himself from his entrepreneurship journey

[28:34] Wartime versus peacetime leadership and what it means to the business landscape

[31:14] A quick recap and Mark's final recommendations on doubling down on your strength

[33:31] How to reach out, connect with Mark and get his book

[33:48] Ending the show


Notable Quotes:


● Business is about getting bigger, better, and stronger all the time and continuing to challenge yourself.

● Entrepreneurship is about growth and stepping up to the next level mentally, physically, and financially.

● To be a leader and an entrepreneur, you must have the ability to cast your Vision and bring people along with you for the ride.

● Feed your brain with personal development and stories about how success happens and get off from mainstream Media. 

● You are the average of the five people you hang around with; if you hang around a can’t-do mindset, you will not do anything, but if you hang around a can-do mindset, you will be successful. 

● Do what you are best at and let other people do what you're not best at, and your business will continue to roll.


Resources Mentioned


The Lucky Formula by Mark Lachance 

Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin 

The Luck Factor by Richard Wiseman 

The Millionaire Mind by Thomas Stanley 

The Road Less Stupid by Keith Cunningham 

The Sales Bible by Jeffrey Gitomer 

Who Not How by Dan Sullivan 

Good To Great by Jim Collins 


Connect With Mark Lachance:






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