Episode 76 - Aug. 9th, 2022


- Irv Gotti x Ashanti 

- Artist Re-Recording Songs for Revenue 

- Taylor Swift x Scotter Braun 

- Meek Mill 

- Artist Development 

- 50 Cent “Throwback Freestyle Mixtape” 

- Songs Of The Episode #1 - Indoe “Deep” 

- Luther Vandross Greatness 

- @voceux.voceux Instagram Music Page 

- David Ruffin 

- The Story of Sisqo 

- Beyonce Renaissance Backlash x Kelis x Lyric of “Spaz” 

- The difference between Sampling & Interpolation 

- Nas x Kelis x Life Is Good 

- Wiz Khalifa x Poppy’s Nightclub (Los Angles, CA) x DJ Issue 

- Songs Of The Episode #2 - Kai Cash ft; Devvon Terrell “Can We Talk”? 

- @MixedByKamillion x @KeanuGoinStoopid 

- Wandor Franco $650K worth of Jewelry Stolen 

- Albert Pujois Baseball Contract @ The Age of Mid30s 

- Alex Rodriguez New York Yankees x Boston Red Sox x MLBPA Contract Issue 

- Juan Soto Washington Nationals Record Contract 

- Wise Guy Question - Have you ever gone to a restaurant by yourself because you couldn’t find someone to accompany you? 

- Wise Guy Question - Would you rather come home to a homemade dinner on the table or restaurant plan with another couple? 

- Songs Of The Episode #3 - Swave HMG x HG Locks “Over Here”