Previous Episode: Podcast 18 / Eschaton

With the arrival the second month of the summer, a new release of our podcast also comes out, an atmospheric mix for which was recorded by the wonderful Polish electronic musician Lukasz Palys, who produces his own music under the Drogtech alias.

For the first time we heard about his music in 2013, when Auxiliary podcast sounded his track, and then ASC in his blog spotlighted to this release. Indeed, his Extended-Play, titled 'Anxiety', released in early 2014, and especially the title track of the same name, are highly appreciated by us.

But Lukasz started playing music long before that. Back in 2005-2006, his releases were released in the trance music under the Mane alias. Since 2011, he begins to release his music production as an independent musician, and then organizes his own label Drogtechmusic. At the moment, here are released two albums and four EPs, including the one already mentioned above. The next release, called 'Seasons', is scheduled for early August. The musician produces his products not only in digital form, but also in collector's editions, including CD's, black and color transparent vinyl, for which he organizes the campaigns based on crowd funding platforms.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with his music, because it's an excellent non-trivial atmospheric electronica, that we like very much, but for now we listen to the Drogtech mix for the Intelligent Music podcast, in which he collected inspirational music, as well his own works, including tracks from the forthcoming release.

Cover art, Photo by @nwavemusic