NJOHSP’s Terrorism At a Glance podcast is a weekly summary of current events intended to highlight terrorism trends. The information is aggregated from multiple sources, including news agencies, government press releases, research studies, etc. The podcast is intended for informational purposes only and does not reflect the opinion of NJOHSP or the State of New Jersey. NJOHSP does not provide warranties of any kind regarding the information contained within.

This episode, published January 10, 2023, features the following stories:

Iowa Shooter Kills Student, Injures 5 After Alluding to Attack on TikTok

ISIS Twin Bombing Kills Nearly 100 Mourners at Shi’ite Commander’s Burial Site in Iran

Kenyan Authorities Foil New Jersey Man’s Attempt to Join Terrorist Forces

Police Rescue Chinese Exchange Student in Utah Mountains Following 'Cyber Kidnapping'