Our party has finally made it into the frog folk cave! Having navigated their way past a rather treacherous pit, they find themselves with only one way forward, down into a big pool of dark water! After a quick and possibly ill-advised test from Namee it becomes clear that this may not be the most inviting place to go for a dip. Thankfully Violexx has an idea to push onwards that's a real gas. Working together, the team brews up a plan and lets it rip. 

Who will they come across in the tunnels that's a real stinker? What wind of inspiration will blow Blag into some deep scientific thoughts? What terrible curse is revealed that gives Violexx vapors? With enemies about, will our adventurers have to cut one? It's time to see if this group can squeak deeper into the bowels of the cave. It's time to be silent and almost deadly!


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Follow cast members on twitter- Kyle is @overturfKyle1 and Lauren is @HottingerLauren


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Theme song by Jet 'n' Joby


Logo designed by Ed Rempfer

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