Welcome to the Thieves Guild! Discover boutique shopping experiences! Looking for a bespoke, mysterious dark egg? Haggle with the shop keep over the cost of that and a diverse selection of other rare and unique items. Our collection is specially designed to please the most discerning of customers. Even those weird little gnomes.
Explore our curated jail! And be sure to get to know the guards while you're there. They are a fun and helpful assortment of ruffians. Just don't ask them for directions. Do you want to look like an obvious tourist? You're a thief. Be cool. 
Need to hold a discreet meeting? Or perhaps you just need to repeatedly explain to someone how prestidigitation works? We can't help you with that last one. But we do have several modern amenities available, such as coworking spaces for all your crew's heist planning needs!
Just don't go into the North Tunnel. That's not for you.
Adventure! Wealth! Fame! Maybe a little betrayal? It can all be yours at the Thieves Guild! 



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Theme song by Jet 'n' Joby

Logo designed by Ed Rempfer