This episode starts with a quick update on the status of the podcast followed by our first behind the scenes discussion episode from Patreon. This covers our first 17 episodes of Season 1, which introduced the characters, the world, and saw them overcome being in direct competition with each other to come together as a team. If you haven't already listened to our first season we hope that you will check it out. You'll hear our initial growing pains, get to meet characters that we love, and join us for a story that Kyle lovingly crafted. And you'll see just how much Lauren joining the cast in Season 2 made us all better at roleplaying! 



Are you enjoying the show? Please help us grow and tell someone about it! All episodes are available at


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Follow cast members on twitter! Kyle is @overturfKyle1, Lauren is @HottingerLauren, Kevin is @Palards, Mike is @CriticalButler, and Ben runs the show account.


Help support the show on Patreon and get access to exclusive bonus content like behind the scenes discussions and our Season 1 Album! More details at . And thank you to our patrons listed here! Merchandise is available at 


Theme song by Jet 'n' Joby


Logo designed by Ed Rempfer

Twitter Mentions