Betrayal! A murder! Additional betrayal! Then there's some unusual horses and people riding those horses in ominous ways! And that was all just in the last episode! Now our party has to deal with the fallout of all those events as they find themselves left in the room with the leaders of the enemy faction. And it's just a bit awkward. But with an impending apocalypse at hand they are all able to move forward, and take the next steps needed to try to save the world. Well, except for Violexx's parents. They are still the worst. That hasn't changed. 
With the recently revealed deceptions, will our adventurers be able to trust anyone again? Is there a certain accent that gets treated with more suspicion than it has in the past? And what character accent will completely break Kyle? It's time to rally the mortal forces and work out their differences! Or at least give it a shot before everyone dies!
This episode is sponsored by Crucible Magazine! Check out their Kickstarter running through 3/17 at

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Theme song by Jet 'n' Joby


Logo designed by Ed Rempfer

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