Jason Abbott is joined by Michael Sherlock. Michael is the author of the “I am Christ” series. The sole focus of the three volumes is to take a deep look at the belief system which underscores the entire Western world, namely, Judeo-Christianity. Even though Michael is described as an atheist, he investigates all possibilities and thought processes leading to how humans can be manipulated by belief systems for usually more sinister reasons. From his investigations into the history of the church and the entire religion of Christianity, he has come to the conclusion that, worse than the insane fictions contained within these ancient manuscripts, lies a belief system which has put a large portion of our species to sleep within the comfort of ill-gotten and now thoroughly debunked beliefs. Whatever your current beliefs are, this conversation will be sure to spark ideas within. Come join in the discussion and support the IGC by using our Amazon, Audible, Onnit and PayPal links at www.intellectualgentlemensclub.com/support  . You should follow us on Twitter @igccast and on Facebook to receive updates and random interesting information. The podcast is available on iTunes and other directories as well. Please share this Podcast… Get the word out!

     Michael Sherlock - http://michaelsherlock.org/

     Secrets – www.soundcloud.com/secrets