Previous Episode: IGC 23 - Kevin Kamps
Next Episode: IGC 25 - Tim Amoroso

Jason Abbott is joined again by Matt Abbott and we enter the realm of internet security. We chat with “Mr. MLP” an individual who works in information security for his day job, and a self-described liberty enthusiast. We discuss some serious issues on NSA, encryption, bitcoin, whistleblowing, and how vulnerable the average individual is on being catalogued in data centers. You can try to find “Mr. MLP” on twitter and Facebook, but not likely. Sorry about the audio quality on this one, we ran into some Skype difficulties. Our intro music is brought to you by Secrets and can be found on Soundcloud. Come join in the discussion and support the IGC by using our Amazon, Audible, Onnit and PayPal links at  . You should follow us on Twitter @igccast and on Facebook to receive updates and random interesting information. The podcast is available on iTunes and other directories as well. Please share this Podcast… Get the word out!

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