IT Best Practices: Intel IT Principal Engineers Craig Chvatal and Subbarao Mantha talk to Phil Vokins, Cloud Services Director at Intel Americas, outlining Intel’s best practices businesses should consider when moving to the cloud. In this first edition of our new series, Phil and guests provide practical advice for companies of all sizes that are […]

IT Best Practices: Intel IT Principal Engineers Craig Chvatal and Subbarao Mantha talk to Phil Vokins, Cloud Services Director at Intel Americas, outlining Intel’s best practices businesses should consider when moving to the cloud. In this first edition of our new series, Phil and guests provide practical advice for companies of all sizes that are considering moving their IT infrastructure and applications to the cloud. From clearly defining cloud strategy that enables the business through grouping applications, to applying the 3 “Cs” principles and lessons learned from Intel’s own migration to the cloud, this video is your starting point to cloud computing.

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