In this episode we’re joined by Carlos Morales, the General Manager of the AI Software Group at Intel, to talk about Nauta, an open-source deep learning training platform.

Nauta (the Latin word for “sailor”) runs on Kubernetes* (the Greek word for “helmsman”) and is intended to give data scientists and their teams better control as they navigate the seas of data. It’s multi-node, and multi-user integrated, combining years of best practices into a single easy-to-install software package.

Scaling deep-learning processes over multiple nodes can be challenging. Nauta is built for easy resource sharing over large teams. This allows for better access to valuable deep-learning resources. Nauta is fine-tuned to run over
multiple 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor based servers with multiple users, granting more flexibility and better access to valuable deep-learning resources.

For more on Nauta-enabled solutions, check out this episode of Intel on AI:

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