Intel Chip Chat – Network Insights audio podcast with Allyson Klein: Todd Landry, Corporate Vice President of Market and Technology Strategy at JMA Wireless, joins Intel Chip Chat Network Insights to talk about JMA’s delivery of a new platform called XRAN where they’ve built a 100% software virtualized RAN platform and have built a total […]

Intel Chip Chat – Network Insights audio podcast with Allyson Klein: Todd Landry, Corporate Vice President of Market and Technology Strategy at JMA Wireless, joins Intel Chip Chat Network Insights to talk about JMA’s delivery of a new platform called XRAN where they’ve built a 100% software virtualized RAN platform and have built a total solution for 600MHz to mmWave as part of their path to 5G. In this interview, Todd talks about the opportunity presented by virtualized RAN versus historical radio access solutions and what JMA is looking at in terms of the opportunity to address the transformation in wireless networks. Todd highlights the key factors for adoption of software technology that is now proven and ready for broad scale deployments, and the opportunities within those challenges in terms of additional industry innovation.

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