[00:07:44] But some of those things do nothing to kill. The reason why you got the cancer in the same thing for chemo and radiation that can kill the cancer, but they can make it spread and it's not resolving the reason. So if they had to give anybody that one piece of advice, it would be to work with people and find out. And the really cool thing was, I told you, I worked with so many healers. They all told me the same thing and I told them nothing. [00:08:10][25.6]

[00:11:37] So it's amazing to me. I want to go back a little bit. You made the comment through your journey. You made the comment that surgery debulking because everybody says you need to debulked the tumor. So which means either, in your case, lumpectomy or mastectomy. But then you made the comment that that actually spreads the cancer and you should not do that. Can can you expand a little bit on that? [00:12:03][26.3]

[00:13:26] Yeah. So how do you regard it under the chemo radiation? I know that you you're a big proponent of living well with cancer. It's not just living, not just surviving, but to thrive and really have a full life if you don't want to. All these people, they do surgeries and they complain. I didn't know what it felt like to be have to live without a stomach or without a kidney or without or whatever it is that they're taking out. They wish they would have known ahead of time. Well, thought life would have looked like. And so you're a big proponent of this, obviously living well. And if you cut all these things out and if you kill your whole system with chemo, I mean, what are your thoughts on that? [00:14:13][47.5]

[00:15:56] And she was she read all my reports. I gave her all the stuff that I did and she was very interested. But you have to understand that most and colleges are going to say my way or the highway you're going to do need to do the chemo. But that wasn't for me. And again, the cancer stem cells are not affected by the chemo and radiation. So you're sure you're reducing the tumor load, but that little one percent of those cancer cells that are out there running around, if you're going to do chemo and radiation, you need to target those cells to very, very important. [00:16:23][27.3]

[00:18:53] And and are there things that you can do? Because obviously when you're diagnosed, you've been exposed to all these things, these kind of estrogenic or zino estrogenic type of substances? I mean, what what are some things that you can do to remove that? I mean, I know medically to block estrogen, to use like Tamoxifen. And so what what are saying that that you can do to kind of clear that out and use more natural substances so you can use in three carbonyl or you can eat a lot of cruciferous vegetables. [00:19:27][34.2]

[00:23:47] Intravenous vitamin C, 50 grams for nine months. The only reason I stopped in and switched to Liposomal is because I left the city for my country house and there was nobody reliable out there that could do it. So I switched to the Liposomal, which is great, also works slightly differently. But it's a great substitute and it's much more affordable. And you don't have to spend three hours sitting in a chair and walking a little loopy. I do recommend first time you do. I see you have somebody drive you or walk you home. I'm a small person and I was on cloud nine. [00:24:20][33.9]

[00:26:25] So if you do, let's say, Uncle Bill for a couple of months, then you go off of that and you do something else so that you don't your body doesn't create resistance or I should say the cancer cells don't create a resistance. [00:26:34][9.1]