[00:01:15] I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. November 9th of 2019. It was a huge surprise. My son was just eight months old at the time. I had been watching a lump kind of grow on my neck for about six months. And I just thought it was something hormonal and I figured it would it would go away over time.

[00:02:15] I've been deep in a healing journey and I've seen that it's a common scenario with breast cancer and other types of cancer where you have, in fact infected root canal or some other kind of infection that really suppresses the immune system.

[00:04:29] Whether you go conventional or alternative, it's right for you to be working with a doctor that is really aligned with you, who listens to you, who has patients with you. Answers your questions with love. And I didn't have that my first practitioner. So I feel very blessed to have that. 

[00:05:22] World class. I feel very, very fortunate to be a part of that family. That healing and wellness family. 


For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com