In the episode titled "Better Dirty Than Done: The Journey of Rick Czaplewski," listeners are introduced to Rick, a motivational speaker and author who battled cancer with remarkable courage. Rick shares his captivating story of resilience and determination, detailing his journey from being a college student enjoying athletics to facing a life-threatening diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease at the age of 19. Despite the challenges of undergoing intense radiation and chemotherapy treatments, Rick remained focused on his goal of graduating college, achieving a remarkable 4.0 GPA despite the odds. Through his experiences, Rick imparts valuable lessons on perseverance, the importance of setting goals, and finding strength in the face of adversity.

Rick reflects on his transformative journey from physical incapacity to remarkable achievements, highlighting the celebration of the body's resilience and the ability to overcome challenges. Their narrative encompasses a range of accomplishments post-illness, from conquering mountains like Mount Rainier and Mount Shasta to participating in marathons, all while being supported by mentors who played a crucial role in their running journey. This journey culminated in running the Boston Marathon, a testament to his perseverance and determination.

Additionally, Rick's book, initially crafted as a personal legacy for his son, has evolved into a source of inspiration for others facing adversity. The book underscores the importance of resilience, seizing opportunities, and maintaining focus on the future rather than dwelling on existential questions during difficult times. Through his narrative, Rick offers valuable advice on navigating life's challenges and encourages readers to embrace their journey with determination and optimism.

Key points:

Rick's journey from being an athletic college student to battling Hodgkin's disease at 19.His determination to graduate college despite undergoing intense treatments, ultimately achieving a 4.0 GPA.Rick's message of resilience, emphasizing the significance of setting goals and finding strength in challenging times.Reflects on transformative journey from physical incapacity to remarkable achievementsHighlights celebration of body's resilience and ability to overcome challengesBook serves as source of inspiration, emphasizing resilience, seizing opportunities, and maintaining focus on the future

Today, as a motivational speaker, Rick has spoken to large and small audiences
including students, survivors, physicians, civic organizations, and corporations.
414.882.1522 | [email protected] |

Grab Rick's book from Amazon:


Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - 


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