An app named Zoom may sound like a good thing, but this app opened the Macs of users who had it installed - including Kirk - to a serious security vulnerability. This led Apple to take the rare action of pushing out a silent security update to Macs. And Josh tells us all about how you find out who creates malware.

Zoom Zero Day: 4+ Million Webcams & maybe an RCE? Just get them to visit your website!
Apple has pushed a silent Mac update to remove hidden Zoom web server
Apple disables Walkie Talkie app due to vulnerability that could allow iPhone eavesdropping

Josh’s talk from Objective by the Sea v2.0:

White Paper
Slides PDF
Brief video with excerpts from the talk

Intego Mac Premium Bundle X9 is the ultimate protection and utility suite for your Mac. Download a free trial now at First-time buyers can save 40% by using coupon code PODCAST19 at checkout.

An app named Zoom may sound like a good thing, but this app opened the Macs of users who had it installed - including Kirk - to a serious security vulnerability. This led Apple to take the rare action of pushing out a silent security update to Macs. And Josh tells us all about how you find out who creates malware.

Zoom Zero Day: 4+ Million Webcams & maybe an RCE? Just get them to visit your website!
Apple has pushed a silent Mac update to remove hidden Zoom web server
Apple disables Walkie Talkie app due to vulnerability that could allow iPhone eavesdropping

Josh’s talk from Objective by the Sea v2.0:

White Paper
Slides PDF
Brief video with excerpts from the talk

Intego Mac Premium Bundle X9 is the ultimate protection and utility suite for your Mac. Download a free trial now at First-time buyers can save 40% by using coupon code PODCAST19 at checkout.