When underwriting cyber insurance, medical records are the most problematic. Not only are they extremely attractive to hackers, health records are also extremely vulnerable - they tend to be poorly protected electronically and physically.


Security of medical records pose problems for insurers, for sure. But even more alarming, are the problems it cause patients.


Dr Abdullah Albeyatti the Co-Founder and CEO of Medicalchain. And he witnessed these issues first hand. While working as a surgeon and later as a GP, Abdullah became frustrated with the fragmented nature of health records. The problem is that patient records are not universally available whenever a patient needs them. For example, a patient might seek private treatment, or visit an unfamiliar GP. In each of these scenarios, the patient's medical records might be not available because the data is stored on disparate systems.


To solve the problem, Abdullah teamed up with Mohammed Tayeb and set up Medicalchain.


Medicalchain use the principle of blockchain distributed ledger to store health records. This enables patients to "own" their own medical records.  This means that records that be accessed much more widely and they can updated automatically after every consultation.


As Abdullah says - with the problem and solution so clear, you would think mainstream uptake is inevitable. Unfortunately that is not the case. The medical records themselves exist on numerous systems. So the challenge for Abdullah and his team is to figure out how to integrate this new technology with the old data silos.


On this episode of InsurTech Radio, Abdullah speaks about:

How Medicalchain startedHow Medical chain are utilizing blockchain technologyHow blockchain can be applied in humanitarian contexts to save lives


You can find out more about Abdullah on LinkedIn or by visiting Medicalchain's website.


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