
1600 - 1605

Welcome and introduction to ‘Our Smart Region’ project

Auriol Miller, Director, Institute of Welsh Affairs

1605 - 1615

Keynote speech - The difference smart technology can make

Alan Fletcher, Business Development and Lab Manager, Knowledge Media Institute, Open University 

1615 - 1645

Laying the foundations for a Smart Region

Ann Beynon, Member of the Valleys Taskforce (Chair) 

Brian Popperwell, Chief Operating Officer, Next Generation Data

Prof. Paul Harrison, Pro Vice Chancellor Innovation and Dean of Computing, Engineering and Science, University of South Wales

Michael Powell, Rural Programmes Manager, Monmouthshire County Council

To include Q&A session

1645 - 1655

Presentation of ‘Our Smart Region’ project report

Keith Watts, Smart Region Project Coordinator, IWA

1655 - 1725

What could a Smart Region look like?

Valerie Livingston, Director, Newsdirect Wales (Chair)

Alan Fletcher, Business Development and Lab Manager, Knowledge Media Institute, Open University 

Jess Blair, Director, Electoral Reform Society

Prof. James Lewis, Academic Director, Y Lab

To include Q&A session

1725 - 1755

Next steps for the region

Auriol Miller, Director, IWA (Chair)

Kellie Beirne, Programme Director, Cardiff Capital Region City Deal

Peter Fox, Leader, Monmouthshire County Council

To include Q&A session

1755 - 1800

Summary and thanks

Auriol Miller, Director, IWA