Does selling make you cringe? Make your palms sweat? How do you feel when you hear the 

word “no” after the first conversation with a potential customer?

Today, we’re chatting with Laura Skjelmose - outdoors enthusiast, work at home mom + wife, and lover of all things natural. She is a born problem solver who loves helping others, specifically with... sales! 

Laura believes in creating meaningful connections and providing value through every step of the sales process. One way she recommends fostering these relationships is through your 

Instagram DMs. Specifically using a voice note, or even more personal, a video to create a better connection. 

We chat about how powerful DMs can be when you take the time to personalize your message. Taking the time to check out their feed and pull out one thing to use as a conversation starter will go a long way. This makes the exchange about them, not about you.

“Talk about them, not you” led into the heart of the conversation: The “ABCs” or ALWAYS BE 

CURIOUS. This applies to your interactions with new followers on Instagram in terms of asking them questions. Get curious about who they are, what they’re passionate about, and what products or services they sell. Showing your interest in them builds a report which makes selling more natural.

And take your curiosity a step further. Once you’re in the sales conversation you may hear “no” or “not now”. This is where you need to flex your curiosity muscle. When someone tells you now is not the right time, go the next step and ask permission to find out when would be a good time. This helps you pinpoint potential changes you can make to the timing of your offer while continuing to nurture therelationship. 

If you want to feel more confident in selling your product or service, while creating meaningful relationships, this episode is for you! Laura is also offering a discount for all listeners who send her a DM on Instagram. Her next Sell More, Make More workshop is going live in January., 2022.

To connect with Laura check her out on:


Check us out on Instagram @thesocial.focus

@angela.s.doyon and @natcaronphoto


(the online course and community where you learn to scroll less and sell more!)

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