Divorced, single mom, and buried in hundreds of thousands in debt, How do you turn that around? Is there still hope?

In this episode, I chat with Sandy Forster all the way from sunny Queensland in Australia! Sandy shares her journey from being all of the above to becoming a wildly wealthy woman who is now coaching others to be equally wealthy women.

I don’t know where you are in your life right now, but it is no accident that you came across this episode. Listen up, and maybe, just maybe, this is the breakthrough message you’ve been waiting for.


Key takeaways from this episode:


Get rid of the negative thinking altogether and just focus on what I truly wanted. Do not just be hopeful. Dream big. You have to take action. When you align body, mind, and spirit, when you align your thoughts, emotions, and actions, that's when the magic can happen. When you step away and allow yourself to be in the creative space, which is the feminine space, you begin to attract. Doing is all about going out thereafter, whereas being is all about attracting to you. When you focus on something, it’s like telling your brain it is important to me. Show me more of this. If you focus on the things you genuinely love, you want to create or bring into your world, you’ll find people, opportunities, circumstances, connections, and all the things you need to create, manifest, and attract. When you get clear on your goals, find people that have already done it, and follow their lead. It saves you time, energy, and money because you don't end up making all the mistakes that they made. Any action is a good action because it will either produce the result you want or not. If it does, keep doing more. If it doesn't stop it, do something else. Take action and be consistent. Make sure that you're doing something that you truly want to do. And you'll find that that will keep you going when things do get rough. It's not really about the end destination is it's about actually enjoying where you are now, and it makes the goals you're moving towards worth it.

Episode Timeline:

00:00 Episode and Guest Intro

00:40 Intro

02:13 About Sandy and what she does

03:36 Sandy’s amazing story

09:47 Becoming a coach

11:30 Why women struggle with success

14:33 A break from being busy

17:35 Memos of affirmation

21:22 First step to positive psychology

28:06 Sandy’s final advice

32:49 Outro


About our guest:

Sandy Forster is an international millionaire mindset speaker and mentor. She's worked with people like Denise Duffield Thomas. She's the best-selling author and multi-award-winning business owner, and She's the author of the international bestseller, How to be Wildly Wealthy Fast.


Connect and know more about  Sandy here:

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Sandylforster/

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Lawofattractionprosperitysecrets

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandylforster/

About Sandy: https://www.wildlywealthy.com/about-sandy/

Website: https://www.wildlywealthy.com

More about Ruth:

Hi, I’m Ruth, a business coach specializing in helping freelancers and business owners adjust their mindset and their marketing so they can get fully booked with clients they LOVE to work with. I’ve helped hundreds of self-employed women achieve the time and money freedom they craved.

I’ve started this podcast because when I first went all in and left the corporate world to be a freelancer, I was grateful for any work that came my way. After over 20 years of freelancing and working for other people, I started to realize I’d created a glass ceiling for myself.

In 2017, I finally started listening to that voice that had been telling me for a long time that I wasn’t doing what I loved and fulfilling my true potential.  It took a critical illness to give me that wake-up call.  I don’t want the same to happen to you.

You can expect practical advice, inspiring stories, and a lot of aha moments as we uncover and kick to the curb all the obstacles you have been putting in your way.

I’m on a mission to inspire women to start and play bigger in business.


Connect and know more about Ruth Gilbey here:

Coaching: https://www.ruthgilbey.com/coaching

Free stuff: https://www.ruthgilbey.com/next-client

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruthgilbeymarketingandcoaching/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ruth_gilbey/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthgilbey/