Of all the challenges that leaders face, Imposter Syndrome is one of the least understood phenomena. Talented and ambitious leaders are quietly suffering with self-doubt and crippling internal criticism, and this affliction turns out to be far more prevalent than anyone thought. Thankfully, there are professional thought-partners out there like “Coach Sophia” who study this issue and work with organizational professionals to help them overcome such limiting issues.

As the Founder of “Space Beyond Words”, Deep Leadership Consultant and International Executive Coach Sophia Schweitzer has served in mindfulness and leadership development fields for over 25 years, including at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland and the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. Credentialed with the International Coach Federation (ICF) and an Erickson Certified Professional Coach, she lives a passionate commitment to support people in unlocking undreamed of possibilities for success while building resilience for a sustaining sense of fulfillment and impact.

Sophia has worked internationally and across cultures, with clients in start-ups, innovation and IT industries. She deeply understands the unique challenges of leadership amid transitions and uncertainty, and within the for-purpose for-profit business model. A multilingual, award-winning author, Sophia Schweitzer holds a degree in French literature and linguistics.

If you have ever questioned your abilities, ambitions or results, you need to make time to hear Coach Sophia and this episode of Inspiring Leaders.

Coach Sophia Schweitzer on LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/sophiavschweitzer
Coach Sophia Schweitzer’s Email [email protected]
Coach Sophia Schweitzer’s Website https://sophiavschweitzer.com
Space Beyond Words Website https://spacebeyondwords.com
Coach Sophia Schweitzer Newsletter https://spacebeyondwords.com/blog/
Sophia’s Books at Mutual Publishing https://mutualpublishing.com