Every boss can be moody from time to time. Never before have our organizational leaders been put in a tougher spot, responsible for executing the decisions from above and then mobilizing their team to execute, even when that team is overloaded or unmotivated. Mood swings are par for the leadership course. So when does a Boss’s Moods become Intolerable? On this week’s episode, we expose the Moody Boss and what you can do to survive.

A Boss’s moods become intolerable when they are unaware of their Moody behaviour, it doesn’t get managed. In other words, when your Boss has low EQ. EQ, or Emotional Intelligence is their emotional self awareness, self regulation, ability to read others and manage relationships. So it is really your Personal Competence and your Social Competence. It’s a concept that Daniel Coleman brought to us in his National Bestselling Book, “Emotional Intelligence”. Harvard School of Business Researchers tell us that, when driving performance, EQ is twice as important as Intelligence and Technical Ability, and at the most senior level of leaders, Emotional Intelligence accounted for 90% of the difference between the best, and the rest.

So a moody boss’s lack of personal awareness leaves them vulnerable to mood swings that others see, but they don’t. And their team suffers the most. Here is the kicker - they can’t see the stress that they are inflicting on others and the demoralization that their team may be dealing with. 360 Assessment results get dismissed as under-appreciation for all their efforts and stress. They deflect and blame others to justify their moods. But a good Executive Coach will use a 360 Assessment to help a moody boss increase emotional awareness and regulation.

So what can you do if you have to work for a moody boss? Here is a summary of our 10 Strategies to Survive a Moody Boss. For all the glorious details of each recommendation, tune into the show now!

1. Don’t Try To Change Your Boss
2. Be Aware
3. Watch For Patterns
4. Limit Your Interactions
5. Keep Cool and Carry On
6. Make Sure You’re Not To Blame
7. Document
8. Don’t Be A Trigger
9. Pick Your Moments
10. Talk To The Right People
BONUS STRATEGY: As Dale Carnegie said, don’t criticize, condemn or complain about your boss.

If these strategies don’t work, escalate to their Boss and/or HR. And if it is toxic and affects your health, explore changing departments or employers. No Intolerable Boss that is worth sacrificing your health. To get all the expanded details on each of these suggestions, tune into this episode today or reach out to us to discuss your situation personally. We’re here to help!

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