In 2011, David Conley’s life blew up.

He was working in a job he hated as a Technology Executive for the Government. He was 330 pounds and he had multiple serious medical issues that his doctor told him, point-blank, would lead to an early death. In short, he was miserable.

One day David came home from his soul-sucking job to find his wife sick on the couch, struggling to breathe. Sixty hours after he checked her into the hospital, he had to do the unimaginable: David turned off his Wife’s life support system.

His world stopped. The light in his life had gone out and he had to fight for his life.

It took over two years for David to crawl out of that deep depression, but he did it. He lost 150 pounds, ditched his cigarettes, quit the job he hated and started my own business. He chose life, love, and radical self-care. He put myself first.

The World Health Organization says that health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. This is what David learned when his life hit rock bottom: The answers were already inside him and he knew he could do it.

David chose love. He chose to love his future self. He chose to love himself as much as he loved his wife.

“I don’t want ANYONE to have to go through what I went through. I don’t want a tragedy to be the catalyst that pushes you to be who you want to be.”

Now David follows his calling. He works with lifelong fat people who deep down, wish they weren’t fat, weren’t viewed with disgust and pity, and weren’t invisible. He show them how to use radical self-care to untangle their lives, just like he untangled his. David’s clients want to lose half to one-third of their weight – and reclaim their lives. They are committed to doing the really hard work and making major changes.

Hear David Conley describe the journey that led him to radically change his own life, and how he helps others choose Radical Self Care in their own lives.

David Conley on LinkedIn:
David Conley on Twitter: @DavicCConley
David Conley’s Email: [email protected]
David’s Company:
Terry Lipovski:

Next Week’s Show:
Leading Organizational Change with Dr. Marvin Washington

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