In these days of unprecedented organizational competition, leading people can be more challenging than ever before. So when someone arranges support for NGOs and non-profit leaders around the world, this sets them apart.

Ben is an award winning entrepreneur who specializes in the Business and Executive Coaching industry. He is President of the World Business & Executive Coach Summit, Co-Founder of Conversational Intelligence for Coaches, Co-Founder of The Coach Master Toolkit and Founder of EthicalCoach

WBECS has grown to become the world's leading event for the industry with over 22,000 attendees from over 150 Countries. An example of the Speakers include Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Ken Blanchard, John C. Maxwell, Daniel Pink, Brian Tracy, David Allen Brandon Burchard and the Heads of each of the largest coaching organizations.

Ben has now embarked on his most ambitious project to date and has begun building the infrastructure for what will be An organization that will specialize in helping not for profits, charities and social enterprises to become more efficient and effective with the resources they already have through Business and Executive Coaching.

The mission for this endeavour is to eventually have 64,000 coaching engagements set up annually with the aim for each to help a minimum of 100 extra people each year as a direct result of the coaching, meaning a total of 6.4 million people will be helped each year.

Ben Croft on LinkedIn
Ben Croft on Twitter @modernmethods
Ben Croft’s Email [email protected]
Ben Croft’s Website
Ethical Coach Website
Ubiquity Leadership Coaching:

Next Week’s Show:
Taking Off with Paul Spencer from AviaReps UK

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