The World needs more Inspiring Leaders, but what do we do when we have an Intolerable Boss? On the first week of every month, the “Leadership Brothers” get together to expose another Intolerable Boss and explore what YOU can do to survive.

On this Episode of Intolerable Bosses, we’re exposing Indecisive Bosses, brought to you by our Sponsor, The OTUS Group at

Here are some Shocking Stats: 27% of people who work for a bad boss quit as soon as they secure a new job, and that may not sound alarming but 11% will quit without having secured a new job!!! That is alarming. But here is the sad part: Nearly 60% of people working for Bad Bosses just stay put. It’s what Psychologists term “Learned Helplessness”: They wallow in their own daily misery and overwhelming stress, and of course this affects their physical and mental health. It doesn’t need to be this way.

Indecisive Bosses are usually in over their heads. Often, they got to where they are because a position needed filling in a hurry or for political reasons, rather than because of their expertise or authority in the subject matter at hand. Most of the time, they are Indecisive because they are afraid to make a bad decision.

There are likely many potential reasons for this. Maybe they report to a controlling boss like the ones that we explored on the show last month. Or maybe they are risk adverse, meaning that they prefer to put off making decisions until they have enough data to show an irrefutable correct course of action. In other words, they are afraid to fail. The problem is, this approach slows down team progress and operational efficiency. It can also influence the people that report to an Indecisive Boss, teaching them to be Indecisive as well.

On this show we explore several perspectives and tactics that our listeners can use to survive working for Indecisive Bosses. Those strategies include:

- Tactics for Being Patient
- Ways to Offer to Help
- Position Yourself as an Ally
- If all else fails, Plan your Exit Strategy

We also draw on some tested and true resources, such as Dr. Carol Dweck’s insightful book “Mindset”

Join us this week for this fun and informative show. You’ll be glad you did.
And don’t forget to “Like” us on iTunes. Those ratings always help!

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Terry Lipovski on LinkedIn
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Mindset by Carol Dweck

Next Week’s Show:
“Leading From Within” with RedTV & The Philanthropy Channel CEO, Peter Clarke

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