This week, we’re turning the sales model upside down!

“Let’s change the way B2B Sales is done, forever.”

Sangram Vajre has been on one amazing corporate ride. Before co-founding his current company, Terminus, Sangram led the marketing team at Pardot through its acquisition by ExactTarget, which was then acquired by Within six months, he went from Marketing in a Speed Boat to getting swallowed by a Shark, who got swallowed by a Whale!

“Within 6 months I had to start thinking 10x, and six months later it was 100x!”

These days, Sangram Vajre is the Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Terminus, the leader of the account-based marketing (ABM) movement that is literally transforming B2B marketing.

"People buy from people. Know enough to care about who you go after."

In his “spare Time, Sangram is also an Author, penning “Account-Based Marketing For Dummies” and if that isn’t enough, this high-achiever is also the mastermind behind #FlipMyFunnel, the ABX Contact Community where Marketing, Sales and Customer Success Professionals connect on Slack.

“What do you want your leadership legacy to be? That you chased after tens of thousands of prospects or that you invested in the right ones?”

Invest 20 minutes on your commute, your workout or over a coffee. It just might change the trajectory of your career.

Sangram Vajre’s email: [email protected]
Sangram Vajre on Twitter: @SangramVajre
Sangram Vajre on LinkedIn:
Terminus Website:
Book: “Account-Based Marketing For Dummies”:
Ubiquity Leadership Coaching:

Next Show:
Enjoy the Holidays! We’ll return January 7, 2018 with Pat & Terry Lipovski, the "Leadership Brothers" who are going to expose INTOLERABLE BOSSES!